Strength and Weakness

強弱之分,英文怎樣說?frail、fragile 、feeble、impotent 你又知道是什麼意思嗎?
Union is strength 團結就是力量  If people join together, they are more powerful than if they work by themselves。力量在於團結。
Consider all the strengths and weaknesses of an argument 便是全面考慮一個論點有力之處和薄弱之處。

Strength 的用法及同義詞

STRENGTH 可以指體力 physical strength;毅力 inner strength ;可以指意志和决心帶來的力量 strength of character;實力 strengthen one’s hand is to make one’s position better in a contest 在競爭中增加某人的實力;勢力 power and influence : to negotiate from a position of strength 以具實力的地位進行談判。大量人力 in strength = in large numbers; at full strength = with all the best players以全員最佳的人力陣容落場比賽,反之 under strength 人力不足 = below strength, with fewer members than it needs。 
STRENGTH, POWER, FORCE, VIGOUR 這幾個詞都可以表示「力量」或「能量」,區別在於:strength 用於人時,指力氣,用於橋樑、建築時,指承受重量的強度;power 是指人、風或機器等的能量;force 和 vigour 則着重於能量的運用,force 指爆炸或風暴釋放出的能量及其衝擊力,vigour 用於人時,常指人的體力、精力。

用人總要 tough it out 

A pillar of strength 或 tower of strength 是危難時可依靠的人 a person that you can rely on to help, protect and comfort you when you are in trouble。不斷壯大可以說 go from strength to strength =to become better and better, more and more successful : The company has gone from strength to strength since it was established ten years ago 那家公司自從10年前成立以來一直不斷壯大。Beef it up 是使更強大、更有力  to make something stronger and more effective; tough it out 是硬着頭皮堅持到底 to be strong and stay firm in a difficult situation 。
情況繼續保持良好,可以用 still going strong, 尤指老人家保持健康活力:My grand father is 90 and still going strong ;我的舊手錶用了20年後仍然走得很準 my old watch is still going strong after twenty years。 
一個人的強項和特長,是他的 strong point, his best feature;his strong suit 他擅長的事物 : I am afraid singing is not my strong suit 唱歌並非我的强項。你想突顯自己的影響力,你會說:make your presence felt;你對人群或局勢顯示你的最大努力發揮作用,你會 show your mettle ;你顯示實力,炫耀力量 you flex your muscles;強心針是 a shot in the arm 鼓舞的力量,令人振奮的事情 a strong positive influence ;  you have increased your strength after you get tired or weak: you get a second wind 恢復元氣與精神,喘過氣來,再接再厲,重新振作。  

Weak kneed 怎會成大事呢?

WEAK 相等於 not strong and powerful,有軟弱無力的意思:身體非常虛弱 weak as a kitten; 意志不堅定,容易屈服可以說 weak kneed;因激動、恐懼、疾病等原因而兩腿發軟 you are weak at the knee;當你對某人某事特別喜歡,無法抗拒 you have a weakness for someone or something = you have an irresistible fondness for it;when you are in a weak moment,你可能爽快答應某一要求 you easily agrees to a request。
A house of cards 形容不可靠的計劃或制度,好像紙牌屋,基礎不穩,隨時倒下: the organization or plan is very weak and can easily be destroyed。利用人家的弱點,佔別人的便宜,可以用 take advantage of someone = to use someone’s weakness to improve  your own situation;假如你被別人或自己從前的光彩所掩蓋,you are a smaller, weaker, or less important form of someone or yourself , you are under a shadow of another person or your former self。

不要老是用 Weak 好嗎?

WEAK 也有脆弱 frail、易損壞 fragile 、弱小 feeble、無力 impotent 等涵義。薄弱環節 the weak point at which a system or an organization is most likely to fail 是 the weak link in the chain,相等於流行說法 a chink in someone’s armour 某人易受攻擊的弱點和缺陷;chink是小裂口或小洞 。他表面上看來十分強大和成功,你也可以針對他性格上或論點上的薄弱環節攻擊他,令自已有利。The catch phrase weakest link is popularized by a television game show of the same name, where the loser of each round is dismissed by the television host with the phrase “You are the weakest link, goodbye!” 。This expression is used for people who are the weakest, least intelligent or the slowest of a group. 香港電視台早年引入外國同類的問答遊戲節目 weakest link,令 「一筆OUT消」這句話流行一時。
最後,Achilles’ heel meaning a weak point or fault in somebody’s character, which can be attacked by other people 同樣適用於致命的弱點:His Achilles’ hell was his pride。這句慣用語源自希臘神話英雄阿喀琉斯(Achilles)的故事。傳說中孩提時母親把他浸在冥河中,使他刀槍不入,由於母親提著他的腳踵,沒有沾上河水,後來,英雄因腳踵中箭身亡。Achilles had one vulnerable spot — his heel:英雄致命的缺陷是他的腳踵。The heel of Achilles is his weak spot。
