社會出人頭地的精英是 the cream of society;一本書的精華, 一齣電影最精釆的片段, 一個人事業的高峰,都有不同的說法:the best part of a book ; the highlight of a film; the highpoint of a person’s career。
玫瑰代表芬芳。Rose by any other name would smell as sweet, 名稱其實並不是最重要的東西,事物的價值,在乎其本質,叫它做什麼,沒有分別。This famous phrase is from Shakespeare's play “Romeo and Juliet”。玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。
六神無主 in a trance ; 六親不認 you refuse to have anything to do with all your relatives and friends 。所謂六親:The six relatives are father, mother, elder brothers, younger brothers, wife and children。 漢語慣說:亂七八糟, 英語則常用 at sixes and sevens= in a state of confusion, muddle, disorder, 例句 : There were once so many people fell sick […]
英諺有云:Discretion is the best part of valour 小心謹慎為上策、勇敢之本;也說:Nothing ventured, nothing gained 不入虎穴、焉得虎子。不敢冒險,就一事無成。可見 Safety and Risk 安全和風險,只是取向上的態度不同,英文慣用語,琳瑯滿目,見仁見智。
RAOD AND STREET 最常見的的習用語:there is no royal road to learning 求知無坦途,學問無捷徑;take the high road 依照自已的信仰,採取最合乎倫理道德、不傷害他人的方式做正確的事;middle of the road 中庸之道,緩和之策 average and moderate, neither left-wing nor right-wing。
PRAISE 是幾個同樣表示稱讚,讚揚,用得最口語化、最廣泛的英文字;praiseworthy 是值得稱讚的,值得表揚的意思。You can sing the praises of somebody 竭力誇獎;LAUD 表示高度讚譽,對某種特殊成就予以歌頌;COMMEND 是書面正式用語,一般用於上級對下屬,長輩對晚輩的稱讚或表揚。BLAME 表示責怪、指摘,將責任歸咎於他人。責怪也有直接的責備:it's all your fault; you're to blame,以及間接的、含蓄的、表較委婉的。
權力和政治,往往分不開。很多沾上權力的英文用語,都跟政治有關:我們說掌握權力,開始執政,come into power meaning you come into control of the government;強權政治 power politics;權力分享 power sharing;社會權力中堅 power elite;權力競爭遊戲 power game;權力鬥爭 power struggle。