Wed Mar 26 2025 01:44:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

探索荒廢船廠 Exploring Deserted Shipyard

一位城市探險達人進入半山一座荒廢船廠。龐大的船廠包括一座 4 層高的建築。 一部分用作貨倉,一部分用作電影拍攝場地。 有很多塗鴉,尤其是在天台上。 曾經發生大火,許多燒焦的物品仍在現場。


龐大的船廠包括一座 4 層高的建築。 一部分用作貨倉,一部分用作電影拍攝場地。 有很多塗鴉,尤其是在天台上。 有證據表明曾經發生大火,許多燒焦的物品仍在現場,包括被完全燒毀的車輛。


An avid urban explorer ventures into an deserted shipyard.

The massive shipyard includes a 4-storey building. Part of it is used as a warehouse and part of it as a movie set. There are lots of graffiti, especially on the rooftop. There is evidence that a great fire had broke out and many charred items remain, including burnt vehicles that were totalled.

Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace and not revealing the location.

楊必興 P H Yang