Sat Mar 15 2025 22:46:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

6‧16一年 逾百人中環快閃「和你Lunch」 Over 100 in Central Flashmob “Lunch with You” on 16 Jun One Year On

去年6月16日,破紀錄200萬人參加大遊行,要求撤回修例。今日警方再以限聚令反對舉行「爭取五大訴求周年遊行」。下午1時,數百人在中環置地廣場中庭共三層聚集,高舉「光復香港 時代革命」黑旗。



下午2時,數百人在中環置地廣場中庭共三層聚集,有人高舉「光復香港 時代革命」黑旗及殖民地時代旗幟,並高唱《願榮光歸香港》,展示對抗爭「五大訴求 缺一不可」熱情未減,佔據怡和街往灣仔方向遊行,無懼最少3輛警車在場外部署。

Over 100 in Central Flashmob “Lunch with You” on 16 Jun One Year On

On 16 June last year, a record 2 million people took to the street, demanding the withdrawal of the extradition amendment. The sea of people in black in the march was led by two black and white giant front banners ‘Distressed with a bleeding heart. Withdraw the evil law’, from day to night. Rarely, the police have made available all roads to allow a constant flow of people throughout the day. The march took more than eight hours to complete.

Today, police again banned the “5 Demands Anniversary March” planned by Student Localism, citing social distancing rules, which was originally scheduled to depart from Victoria Park to the government headquarters. The march was cancelled, but noted that the convener Chung Hong-lam would go shopping in Causeway Bay, and also called on Hong Kong people to continue to fight for freedom, democracy and justice in their own way. Massive riot police at Victoria Park prevented any protest action.

At 1 pm, over 100 gathered at all levels of Landmark Atrium in Central. Some raised the black flags “Free Hong, Revolution of Our Time”, colonial Hong Kong flag and sang “Glory to Hong Kong”, demonstrating they are resolute in “5 Demands, Not One Less” in their protest, undaunted by at least 3 police cars deployed nearby.

楊必興 P H Yang