Fri Mar 21 2025 12:08:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

【抗爭重燃】逾千人遊行反國歌法 無懼防暴警重兵佈防 [We Are Back] Over 1000 March Against National Anthem Laws Undaunted by Heavy Riot Police



上午11時,在銅鑼灣希慎廣場中庭有大批市民聚集,掛上「 光復香港 時代革命」黑旗,高呼反修例口號及唱《願榮光歸香港》, 廣場正門有警車戒備。後來防暴警在廣場外圍捕約60人, 包括許智峯議員助理。

下午1時,銅鑼灣軒尼詩道,有大批市民響應網上號召參與「5.27 反國歌法遊行」,佔馬路遊行至灣仔港鐡站,有警員高舉藍旗警告,市民散去横街。



[We Are Back] Over 1,000 March Against National Anthem Laws Undaunted by Heavy Riot Police

The Legislative Council resumed the second reading debate on the National Anthem Bill today (27th). Some netizens initiated “Operation Dawn” and general strike. They also called on the public to gather at Admiralty to stop the second reading of the law. As a precaution, police deployed about 3,500 riot police stationed on Hong Kong Island, etc. The heavy deployment in Admiralty was like “martial law”. Massive barricades were deployed in Admiralty and a large number of riot police patrolled areas around Pedder Street in Central and Hysan Place in Causeway Bay.

At 11 am, a large number of citizens gathered at the atrium of Hysan Place, Causeway Bay. The black flags of “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time” were raised. They chanted anti-extradition slogans and sang “Glory to Hong Kong”. There were over 10 police vans outside the mall. Later, the riot police arrested about 60 people, including the assistant of legislator Hui Chi-fung.

At 1 pm, on Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, a large number of citizens started the “May 27 Anti-National Anthem March”, took to the road marching to the Wanchai Station. The police raised a blue warning flag and the the public dispersed to side streets.

Outside Pedder Street in Central, citizens have already occupied the road, and riot police raised red and blue warning flag” and and fired pepper rounds several times. Citizens scattered to Landmark and nearby buildings for temporary shelter.

Citizens protested throughout the day, undaunted by the massive deployment of riot police.

楊必興 P H Yang