Fri Mar 28 2025 03:25:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

面具與樹根  Mask and Roots

大坑一堵石牆的榕樹根中埋藏着一個神秘的面具。在香港,榕樹無處不在,生長在公園、街頭,甚至在石牆之間。 在香港島,有1100多棵榕在石牆上生長。它是印度的國樹。




A mysterious mask is buried in a web of banyan roots at a stone wall in Tai Hang.

Bayan Trees are ubiquitous in Hong Kong, growing in parks, street planters and even between the cracks of stone walls. There are more than 1,100 trees growing from the sheer surfaces of masonry walls on Hong Kong Island.

Banyan trees are considered to have excellent feng shui, symbolising longevity, fertility and perseverance. It is the national tree of India.

楊必興 P H Yang