Sat Mar 22 2025 07:08:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

越南梅奈的紅沙丘 Red Dunes of Mui Ne, Vietnam



紅沙丘是兩者中的較小者,靠近梅奈。 這些沙丘為鏽紅/棕色,日出後不久的陽光照射下十分美麗。 今早清晨,月亮仍在天上。

Mui Ne is a pretty fishing village on the south coast of Vietnam, and is famous for its enormous white dunes (doi cat trang) and red dunes (doi hong).

The Red Sand Dunes are the smaller of the two and located close to Mui Ne. These dunes are of a rusty red/brown colour and are absolutely beautiful shortly after sunrise. Today, the moon is still up in early morning.

楊必興 P H Yang