Wed Mar 26 2025 09:51:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

中環防暴警狂射催淚彈 大批上班族硬食 Central Office Workers Bombarded with Tear Gas by Riot Police



防暴警於中環畢打街驅散堵路人群,一名男子被捕時黑色上衣遭警員扯爛,現場不少市民情緒激動,嘗試與警方理論,要求釋放被捕者。大批市民包圍警察,佔據整條行車路。現場警方舉黑旗後隨即施放催淚彈。大批上班族冇 gear 硬食,慌忙逃入附近置地廣場等大厦,很多人淚流滿面,大叫「警察瘋了」!


Netizens launched the “Dawn Action” on Remembrance Day today (Nov 11). They called on general strike and blocked traffic in various districts. When the police cleared the scene, they not only fired tear gas and pepper sprays, but also use live amunition. Angry citizens organised a flashmob in Central at noon to protest against police bruitalty and their attempt to kill frontline protesters. In addition, after 5 months of protests, the government not only failed to calm the public anger, but the police force has become more violent.

The riot police dispersed the crowd in Pedder Street in Central. A man was arrested and his black jacket was ripped by the police officers. Many citizens at the scene were emotional and argued with the police to release the arrested. A large crowd surrounded the police and occupied the entire road. The police fired tear gas rounds immediately after the police raised the black flag. A large number of office workers without any gear suffered, hurriedly fled to the nearby Landmark mall and other buildings. Many people burst into tears, shouting “police are crazy”!

At the junction of Pedder Street and Des Voeux Road Central, many walked out of the road and confronted the police. The crowd continued to chant “Disband the police without delay”, and many office workers in suits joined in. Many gathered at the Chater Road pedestrian walkway to watch.

楊必興 P H Yang