Sun Mar 16 2025 17:35:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

抗議何君堯鼓勵元朗疑警黑合作暴行 Protest Against Junius Ho for Encouraging Yuen Long Atrocities






國際關係學者沈旭暉引國際標準 指元朗無差別打人「是一場恐襲」。

At 3 pm today, hundreds of demonstrators went to the Tsuen Wan Office of legislator Junius Ho Kwan-You to protest  his encouragement of the atrocities committed by a large number of people, dressed in white, using clubs and bamboo sticks to beat the public indiscriminately last night (21 July).

Pro-establishment legislator Junius Ho was caught on video shaking hands with these people dressed in white on the street, telling them “you are my hero.”

A large number of suspected “gangsters”, dressed in white and welding clubs and bamboo canes, rushed into the platform of the Yuen Long station, beating the passengers indiscriminately. Journalists from Apple Daily and The Stand News were beaten to the ground. The free-lance media person Ryan Lau was also struck on the head repeatedly with blood over his face. At the sam time, legislator Lam Cheuk-ting, who was at the scene to help, was attacked with an cut on the lips.

At least 45 people were injured and treated at the hospitals while an attacker fainted and was sent to hospital. During the melee, many people reported to the police, but the police did not respond for law enforcement. Some passengers were emotional and cried. “Where is the police?” Yuen Long District Councillors To Ka-lun and Johnny Mak Ip-sing also called the police on 999, but the police replied: “Don’t go out on the street if you’re scared!” then hang up the line. Mak accused the police of “colluding with the Triads!”

International relations scholar Simon Shen cited international standards to refer to Yuen Long’s indiscriminate beating as “a terrorist attack.”

楊必興 P H Yang