
《逃犯條例》事件大致上已經告一段落,所謂雨過天晴,我希望我們能盡快放下關於《逃犯條例》事件的爭議,重新出發,為更美好的明天建設香港。雖然香港社會嚴重撕裂,但正如英文有所謂 what unites us is greater than what divides us,我們同坐一條船上,全體香港市民是一個命運共同體,必須同舟共濟,同甘共苦,榮辱與共。大家在一場嚴重的爭執後,理應冷靜下來,嘗試修補關係,各方和解,互相寬恕,重建信任和合作。就讓我們本着這種精神,一起守護這個自由、法治、多元、開放、寬容、和平及仁愛的我城香港,這顆發出一國兩制的光芒的東方之珠。最後,我在這裏為這場風暴中犧牲的死者致以哀悼,為傷者致以慰問,並與大家分享一段祈禱文,以此共勉。
(引述自祈禱文Prayer of St Francis)

B:I wannaemphasise my concerns on police forces exploiting their rights and the abuse of power. The police just shot the innocent citizens even if they are leaving the venue without provoking the police. There are tons of videos showing the violent behavior of the police and I hope that the government would take a look at the videos. The responsibilities of the police is not to stand against the citizens, but to protect them. However, even citizens, especially youngsters passing Admiralty are treated by police impolitely. There are more and more recent news showing that the police has been abusing their power, including they are staying at the Hospitals to arrest teens if they have been suffering from Admiralty, they arrest the group administrator who did nothing in the protest but just help spread the messages to each other. Please take this seriously.
And i think people are just very angry due to what the police acted. Provocating the protestors by words and conduct, head-shooting the protestor, beating up people without any weapons in hand. How can you tell this force applied was proportionate and necessary and use this as a defence?
Dear Professor Chen,
I am an LLB year three student who have heard from my schoolmate that you are willing to hear the voice from the youngster in regard to the extradition law (I am sorry I do not identify the original source). Your openness to ideas and thoughts are appreciated. I would like to share some personal thought in related to this issue of the law and the governing style of the HK government.
First, in regard to the extradition law itself, all we want is to avoid the HK or central government from availing of the amended extradition laws as a tool to control the freedom of speech in Hong Kong. I was glad I could hear your discussion with other scholars in Tuesday’s conference held by Cora. I agree partially with Professor Ian Grenville Cross that the current amendment is beneficial to criminal justice. However, freedom of speech and other sorts should not be compromised even to the slightest given that they are the things which make us love Hong Kong. I acknowledged the advancement in Chinese Legal System, but we cannot understand why the HK government could not offer more protection as requested (such as expressly includes court’s supervisory power in the provisions, and allow Hong Kong people to be tried in Hong Kong under double criminality.) Urgency is no longer an issue as Taiwan have already refused to resolve the murderer’s case via the amended law. We sincerely wish the government to offer more protection to give confidence to Hong Kong people that the law would not wind up being a merger of two jurisdictions in disguise, which is a concern for not just our generation but also all other HK people who are against the law.
Second, in regard to the government’s response, we are merely wishing for a government accountable to HK people. The total disregard to the demonstration on last Sunday (with disputable figures) is infuriating. I cannot be certain, but it may be the reason why yesterday’s incident happened. Given the number of people who have stepped out to voice their thought, we earnestly wish the government to allow more time for consultation in a wider context (such as allowing discussion with legal professions) even though the government insisted on the importance of the amendments.
I am sorry that I give a long and clumsy message to you, probably with grammatical mistakes. I would be grateful if you could pass the voice of our generation to the authorities. Thank you, professor Chen.
即使政府強調特首會幫到手把關,其實冇人會相信。不論係咩人做特首,我哋都好清楚中央先係final boss,特首從來都唔係向香港人問責。就算係法庭,喺咁多次釋法之後,香港人都對香港司法冇晒信心。一個咁樣嘅修訂,實在說服唔到香港人。
佔中之後見到中央政府對香港態度變咗好多,由梁游,去到一地兩檢,修改議事規則,國歌法等等都係例子。我哋知道要撒回修訂好難,身邊好多朋友都覺得冇希望。一班有外國國籍嘅人已經打算走,就算冇外國國籍,都諗住拎到training contract就去英國qualify,放棄香港。對政府嚟講,呢班人可能係搞事份子,但佢哋個個都喺香港受教育,係由香港培育出嚟嘅精英,將來要擔當起建設香港嘅責任。冇咗佢哋,社會的確可能少咗反對聲音,但香港就從此會冇咗一班精英,一班由上一代香港人培育嘅人。
有時一國兩制維唔維持到,除咗條例同官員舉動之外,都好睇市民嘅信心。今次民意好清晰反映香港市民根本信唔過大陸嘅司法體系,從百萬遊行人數可略知一二,我識嘅人幾乎全部去晒示威,當中甚至有blue ribbon嘅朋友。硬推嘅話,恕我直言,真係百害而無一利。律師會大律師公會,前高官,其他專業團體,宗教界,社會福利界別今次都認為應該擱置修例。再者,眾所周知,包括林鄭特首以內嘅高官嘅屋企人根本全部都有外國護照,反應出佢哋對香港政制根本冇信心,佢哋講嘅嘢試問又點會有說服力?即使成功修改條例,台灣方面已經講到明唔會接受引渡,因此無法處理台灣殺人案。所有嘅factors都point towards 政府唔應該倉猝修改條例。
The extradition bill must be withdrawn pending further discussion. Yesterday’s protest was a clear sign that young people, the future generation, oppose the bill and express deep concerns about their freedom. By rushing the bill, Beijing and SAR governments risk losing the entire generation. Most of them are not planning to overthrow the regime. It is wrong for Carrie Lam to label them rioters and say things akin to “teaching them a lesson”.
If the officials are truly concerned about the constitutional relationship between Beijing and Hong Kong, they should stop and listen.
Dear Prof. Chen,
Please convey the following messages to the Chinese/ Hong Kong officers:
As you have mentioned too, the Bill is highly flawed. While the government rejected ALL constructive suggestions from the people. All demonstrators were just doing their job as citizens to protest against any intending attack to our legal and political system. The confrontations between the police and youngster stemmed from the defiance of the government.
Yesterday, the Hong Kong Police Force used lethal force to suppress armless citizens. Demonstrators in Hong Kong are the most peaceful and rational among all in history. The force we used were minimal, we were trying to protect ourselves and one another. However, we faced the most brutal and cold-blooded attack from Police. What they have done may well be war crimes. They are no longer legitimate law enforcement officers of Hong Kong, but rioters and murders.
We pose 3 demands:
1. The Amendment Bill MUST be withdrawn and it should not be introduced again unless and until the PRC develops rule of law.
2. Carrie Lam, John Lee and Teresa Cheng MUST step down due to their serious misuse of their power and office.
3. All police officers who used excessive force MUST be tried before the court for the crimes.