

日前筆者應邀出席了一個教育研討會,當日的主題為「教育領航──學校領導與團隊力量的建立」(School Leadership & Capacity Building)。當中聽了一些分享,但總覺得講者可能因時間關係,可能未能詳述如何建立團隊力量去改進現有教學效能,因此對有關研究實踐的個案,仍存在若干疑問。事實上由發現問題、界定問題到設定相應計劃,到執行行動,再到收到預期改革成果,快則3至5年才有小成,若要取得明顯果效,也非8至10年不可!

為了讓讀者對「建立團隊力量」(capacity building, 或稱「建造改革執行力量[1]」)有更多的認識,本文只集中解說甚麼是「建立團隊力量」的理念基礎,然後下一篇文章才交代筆者如何實踐相關理念,以實證作論述依據。


It is evident that for a school to improve it must start to change… In recent years attention has increasingly focused on the importance of ‘capacity building’. (Gray, 2005:89)

The basis of a differential approach to school improvement requires an understanding of the concept of ‘capacity’, the various growth states of schools and the innovations and interventions best suited to schools at different stages of their development. (Hopkins, 2001:15)

A key idea for linking school effectiveness to school improvement is that of capacity for improvement, which is assumed to characterize a school that sustains its effectiveness by successfully managing change in a context of instability and reform. (Hargreaves, 2001:488)

學校改進的倡議者當中,David Hopkins(2002)綜合了他多年在英國的一個大型學校改進研究計劃“Improving the quality of education for all”(IQEA[2])的經驗,其理念乃建基於六個假設,而‘capacity building’就是要:

1.     兼顧向前發展與維持穩定;

2.     將校外改革力量和契機,轉化為校內所用,並按目標和先後序執行;

3.     若行動偏離營建配合改革條件的目標和方向,學校改進力量便會失效;

4.     學校改進力量必須能夠滲入學校每一個階層,由個別老師到科組再到學校管理層;

5.     學校改進應善用數據,因數據或例證能帶動改革力量,有助學校發展;

6.     成功的學校改進會建立有利持續改善的共同語言,最終有利學校文化的建立。

學校改進的研究者(例如Harris, 2001和Hopkins, 2001; 2002)認為,學校是改革的中心,焦點應放在改進教與學的成效上,而老師卻是執行改革工程的靈魂;改革必須針對學校的獨特背景和特性,最終須促進學校文化的改變。Miles(1986)將學校改進定義為「是一種針對改善一所或多所學校與學習相關的內部條件以營造更具系統性和永續性的改革力量;Barth(1990)認為「學校改進需要學校文化的改變,而促使改變的可包括其內在文化、人際關係和學習經驗的質素等」;Hopkins(1996)則以兩個角度去闡釋學校改進的定義:(1)若以普通常識的角度來說,學校改進可以是泛指「能令學校成為有助學生發生學習的理想場地的一切力量(general efforts to make schools better place for students and for students to learn)」;(2)用另一個比較專業的角度解釋,學校改進可以是「一種能夠強化學校改革能量及提升學生學習果效的教育改革策略(a strategy for educational change that enhances student outcomes as well as strengthening the school’s capacity for managing change)」。至於Harris(2002)則綜合了以上學者的解釋,將學校改進附以兩個假設:

(1)  如改革條件適合,學校是有足夠能量去自我完善,而校內同工則有責任用心經營和製造有關改革的條件;

(2)  學校改進是一個由內至外、強調永續學習、由決策到支援和由成人至青少年等都有參與的改革模式,其終極目的是希望達成學校文化的改變。

至於如何將學校改進理念落實,不同學者亦有他們的實施策略。Stoll(1999)認為關鍵在於‘capacity building’,特別是 ‘internal capacity’的創造,即改革執行力量建立的問題,是關乎組織內人的質素和如何改進他們的能力和表現;Meyers (1996)認為改革力量是關於教職員的準備度問題;Senge (1990)和 Leithwood, Leonard & Sharratt (2000)則歸因於「學習型組織」和「專業學習社群」的因素;而Davis& Davis (2005) 則認為關鍵在於如何執行「策略性領導」的問題,怎樣策動人的動機、建立策略執行力量、鼓勵參與與及建立共同語言和願景。IQEA計劃則建議 ‘capacity building’可分兩個層面處理,一邊是改善學校層面的條件,另一方面則應着重課室層面條件的更新,然後認真地定出改革優次。

當然,改革絕不會是即時見效或只有單一的靈丹妙藥,但筆者綜合上述學者意見後,認為「建立改革執行力量」(capacity building)的策略可歸納如圖一,並須隨時間進展而作適時修正[3]。因此,若要落實有關變革的理念,要想學校在三兩年間有很大的突破和改進是絕不容易的。


Barth, R. (1990) Improving schools from within, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Davies, B. and Davies, B. J. (2005) ‘Strategic leadership’, in B. Davies (ed.), The essentials of school leadership, pp. 10-30.

Gray, J. (2005) ‘Some issues and problems in evaluating changes and improvements in ‘Low-performing’ schools’, in P. Clark (ed.), Improving school in Difficulty, pp. 81-93.

Hargreaves, D. (2001) ‘A capacity theory of school effectiveness and improvement’, British Educational Research Journal, 27 (4): 487-503.

Harris, A. (2001) ‘Contemporary perspectives on school effectiveness and school improvement’, in A. Harris & N. Bennett (eds), School effectiveness and school improvement: alternative perspectives. London: Continuum. pp. 7-25.

Harris, A. (2002) School improvement: what’s in it for schools. London: Routledge.

Hopkins, D. (1996) ‘Towards a theory for school improvement’, in J. Gray, D.

Reynolds and C. Fitz-Gibbon (eds) Merging Tradition: The Future of research on School Effectiveness and School Improvement, London: Cassell.

Hopkins, D. (2001) School improvement for real, London: RoutledgeFalmer.

Hopkins, D. (2002) Improving the quality of education for all: A handbook of staff development activities, 2nd edn. London: David Fulton.

Leithwood, K., Leonard, L., Sharratt, L. (1998)  ‘Conditions fostering organizational learning in schools’. Educational Administration Quarterly 34 (2): 243-276.

Meyers, K. (1996). School improvement in practice: schools make a difference Project, London: Falmer Press.

Miles, M. B. (1986) ‘Research findings on the stages of school improvement’, mimeo, Centre for Policy Research, New York.

Senge, P. (1990) The fifth discipline (The art and practice of the learning organization), New York: Doubleday-Currency.

Stoll, L. (1999) ‘Realizing our potential: understanding and developing capacity for lasting improvement’, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 10 (4),:503-532.

[1] 筆者於2010年開始,已將 ‘capacity building’ 翻譯成「建造改革執行力量」。見鄒秉恩 (2010)於台灣台北市舉行之兩岸三地校長學研討會發表的《學校改進理念的探討:透過提昇改革力量去營建進步學校》論文
[2] IQEA始於英國劍橋大學的一個三人組在1992-1994年開展的學校改進研究計劃(由David Hopkins, Mel Ainscow和Mel West始創),其後發展至全國;香港於1999年引入,第一期共有十間中小學參加,為期兩年,其後數年該計劃繼續在香港其他中小學實施。
[3] 例如在最混沌、最惡劣的環境下,結構性的改變和建造改革執行力量是優先處理的,相對地改善學、教成效則應屬次要。
