Wed Mar 26 2025 21:31:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

《港傷》揭警暴 奪Sony世界攝影冠軍 照片仍遭「官網」查禁 “Wounds of Hong Kong” Exposes Police Brutality & Wins Sony World Photography Awards


香港攝影記者高仲明的作品《港傷》(Wounds of Hong Kong),紀錄香港人反送中抗爭的傷勢,赤裸裸地揭露極端警暴為主題,奪得2020「索尼世界攝影大獎」(Sony World Photography Awards)的專業紀錄片獎冠軍。過程中一度遭到官網全面刪除,最受爭議。


之後主辦單位一度部分解禁,原來的10張只有4張展出。高仲明奪得「專業獎──紀錄片」冠軍。一度讓10張照片完整顯,但不久又被查禁,現在於官網上仍只能看見4張作品 。

高仲明在自己的臉書上表示無奈 ,指出《港傷》作品組圖共有24張,他全部放在自己的臉書上供大家完整欣賞。




6月13日 – 7月4日 | 正午12時-7時(星期二-星期日)

Hong Kong photojournalist Ko Chung Ming’s work “Wounds of Hong Kong” records the wounds of Hong Kong people sustained during the anti-extradition protests, nakedly exposing the extreme police brutality, and won the first place in 2020 Sony World Photography Award – Professional Documentary section.

During the process, all photos were completely deleted from the official website, which was most controversial.

In February this year, the 10 works of Ko Chung Ming’s “Wounds of Hong Kong” were shortlisted, but a few days later these photos were deleted from the official website. At the time, Ko Chung Ming quoted the organizer’s reply and stated: “We have temporarily taken down the images as part of a standard process… until we are able to review everything in further detail.”

After that, the organizers lifted the ban at one time, but only 4 of the original 10 were displayed. After Ko won the first place in “Professional Award-Documentary”, all 10 photos were completely displayed, but soon after they were censored and only 4 works can still be seen on the official website.

Ko expressed disappointment on his Facebook, pointing out that there are 24 photos in the “Wounds of Hong Kong” project, and he shares them on his Facebook for ful appreciation by everyone.

Wounds of Hong Kong
Photo Exhibition Openground
198 Tainan Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon
13 June – 4 July | 12 noon ‑ 7 pm Tue-Sun

楊必興 P H Yang