Sat Mar 15 2025 22:53:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)






首先,隨着所謂的「中國威脅論」在以美國為首的一些發達國家中迅速升溫,日本已經自願或不情願地被拖入這樣一個唯美國馬首是瞻的聯盟,其中包括AUKUS(由澳洲、英國、日本和美國組成的防衛合作協議)和QUAD(美國、印度、澳洲和日本組成的四方安全對話)。 這些地區安全組織被中國視為美國「遏制」北京計劃的一部分。




第五,3月31日,日本政府宣布,為防止高技術外洩和轉移到其他國家用於軍事用途,對6種23項精密半導體產品的出口實施管制。儘管日本有關經濟官員指出,該措施並未針對任何特定國家,但外界普遍認為這與美國試圖遏制中國半導體製造能力的做法相呼應。針對日本政府限制半導體製造技術出口,中國外交部發言人毛寧3月31日表示,全球晶片產業鏈供應鏈的形成和發展,是市場規律和企業選擇共同作用的結果,將經貿和科技問題政治化、工具化、武器化,人為破壞全球產供鏈的穩定,這種行為只會損人害己。 顯然,北京認為東京的經濟措施是針對中國大陸的。



中方表現積極 期望關係回暖











事實上,日本首相岸田文雄和外相林芳正被一些中國大陸觀察家認為是「知華」的日本政治家。 然而,在日本自民黨內部和日本政壇,不時有一些政治精英傾向於對華強硬,將北京視為真正的軍事、經濟和政治「威脅」──一種與美國對北京的主流看法平行的「威脅」認知。如果是這樣,即使東京的執政政治集團由更「知華」的成員組成,它也可能不得不通過對北京採取明顯「強硬」的立場,來安撫另一個更「鷹派」的集團。


對於「中國威脅」的認知,福田康夫在2021年10月發表了精闢的言論,他說:「如果鄰國是敵國,日本想盡辦法也保護不了自己,但最重要的是我們不應該樹敵。」避免樹敵,或許是東京部分權力精英所忽視的一種洞察力。總而言之,儘管中日關係的和諧發展存在結構性地緣政治制約,但北京和東京都有機會實現破冰──解凍近期「惡化」的關係。 中方的積極姿態有望得到日方的回報──如果這種外交信號仍然準確的話。

Hayashi’s visit to China and its implications on Sino-Japanese Relations

The two-day visit of the Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi to China at the invitation of the Chinese Foreign Minister and State Councillor Qin Gang from April 1 to 2 deserves our close attention, because it has tremendous implications on the development of Sino-Japanese relations in the 45th anniversary of the signing of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship in August 1978.

Hayashi’s visit occurs at a critical juncture when the relations between Japan and China have deteriorated in the recent years due to a number of issues.

First and foremost, as the so-called “China threat” is rapidly gaining currency in a group of developed countries led by the United States, Japan has been dragged willingly or unwillingly into such a US-led alliance, including the AUKUS (composed of Australia, UK, Japan and US defence cooperation pact) and QUAD (security dialogue between US, India, Australia and Japan). These regional security organizations have been seen by China as part of the US scheme to “contain” Beijing.

Second, from Japan’s perspective, the closer relations between China and Russia, the Chinese military activities in the South China Sea, the Chinese marine police patrol near the waters of the disputed Diaoyu Island (Senkaku Island from Japan’s perspective), the military threat of China toward Taiwan, the firing of Chinese missiles after the Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan last year during which a few missiles were reportedly falling into Japanese waters, and the rapid expansion and improved capability of the People’s Liberation Army have made Tokyo quite uncomfortable from the security perspective. As such, Tokyo has been naturally driven closer to the US-led military and security alliance than ever before.

Third, the recent remarks and activities made by some Japanese politicians on Taiwan have appeared to stimulate the political psyche of the mainland Chinese officials. Some Japanese politicians have openly advocated for a closer military relationship between Japan and Taiwan, making the mainland Chinese side feel that some power elites in Japan have advocated a military pact with Taiwan that could have violated the one-China principle.

Fourth, a recent arrest made by the mainland Chinese government of a Japanese businessman in Astellas Pharma for alleged espionage activities has exacerbated the Sino-Japanese relations. From 2015 to the present, it was reported that at least 17 Japanese were arrested and detained in China for their alleged spying activities – a phenomenon not conducive to the harmonious development of Sino-Japanese relations.

Fifth, on March 31, the Japanese government announced that it imposes control on the export of six types and 23 items of sophisticated semiconductor production for the sake of preventing the leakage and transfer of high technology to other countries for military usage. Although the Japanese economic officials concerned pointed out that the measure did not target at any specific country, it was widely perceived to be in conformity with the US attempt at curbing the Chinese capability to manufacture semiconductors. In response to the Japanese government’s restriction of the export of semiconductor manufacturing technology, Mao Ning, a spokeswoman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said on March 31 that the global logistic supply chain of semiconductors is a result of market operation and choices from enterprises, and that any control would politicize and weaponize the stability of global logistic supply chain. Clearly, Beijing perceives Tokyo’s economic measure at targeting at mainland China.

Still, the Chinese side expresses its positive gesture just prior to Hayashi’s visit. Two moves were made on the Beijing side as warm gestures that hopefully can and will achieve a breakthrough in the development of Sino-Japanese relations.

On March 31, the Chinese Defence Ministry announced that a direct liaison hotline has been established between China and Japan – a very positive step toward the normalization and stabilization of Sino-Japanese relations. According to the Chinese Defence Ministry, both sides can and will have direct phone communications for the sake of controlling any maritime and aerial crisis, thereby “protecting the regional peace and stability.”

This announcement coincided with the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s revelation that Hayashi would visit China for two days from April 1 to 2. Clearly, the Chinese side has made some positive gestures to the Japanese side. As a country that places a heavy emphasis on face, China’s positive moves must be taken seriously by the Japanese side.

The talk about setting up a military hotline to control any military crisis could be traced back to 2007 when both China and Japan toyed with such an idea. However, in 2012, the sudden “nationalization” of the Diaoyu Island (Senkaku Island) from the Japanese side plunged the Sino-Japanese relations into an unprecedented tense situation. The crux of the problem was that some right-wing politicians in Japan made some sudden moves that challenged the harmony of Sino-Japanese relations. Fortunately, the late Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took pains at improving Sino-Japanese relations later through his strenuous diplomatic efforts and personal subtle finesse.

Hayashi’s visit is diplomatically significant as it is the first visit made by the Japanese Foreign Minister to China after the last visit by the Japanese Foreign Minister Motegi Toshimitsu in December 2019. The Hayashi visit can be seen as a potentially ice-breaking event that would hopefully bring about a good climate leading to the 45th anniversary of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship in August 2023.

The second positive gesture made by China this time was the initiative made by Foreign Minister Qin Gang to extend his invitation to his Japanese counterpart Hayashi to visit Beijing. In Asian politics and diplomatic practices, gestures are symbolic but extremely politically meaningful, with the implication that China is willing to discuss with Japan on a whole range of issues.

What is interesting in Hayashi’s visit is that State Councillor and former Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi suddenly remarked on April 1 that he is “worrying” about the development of Sino-Japanese relations. If political gestures are critical for us to understand diplomatic signs, Wang’s remarks meant that China and Japan would have to hammer out solutions to minimize their differences. Interestingly, Hayashi before his visit to China also indicated openly that Japan would delineate its concerns to the Chinese side during his talks with the Chinese counterpart.

Another interesting sign was that, on March 31, the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s website published an article on Wang Yi’s meeting with the former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda. Wang praised Fukuda’s contributions to the improvement of Sino-Japanese relations. Furthermore, it was Yasuo Fukuda’s father, Takeo Fukuda, who had signed the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship with the late Chinese Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping in 1978.

In Chinese diplomatic statecraft, personal relations are an extremely important asset that can lead to breakthrough in diplomatic relations. As such, the official Chinese praise heaped on Yasuo Fukuda and Takeo Fukuda has a significant meaning that China is eager to work with Japan on the normalization and further development of Sino-Japanese relations.

In fact, Yasuo Fukuda’s comments in China have been very positive and diplomatic. He said in the Boao Forum that China has made efforts at solving the regional conflicts and problems, and that its economic globalization work can bring about “confidence and predictability” to the chaotic world. Fukuda added that Japan and China should strengthen mutual interactions, communications and reduce misunderstanding and miscalculations, leading to the Asian region’s peace and development. Arguably, Fukuda’s comments are far more diplomatic than some Japanese politicians, who tend to adopt a megaphone diplomacy unfavourable to the development of Sino-Japanese relations.

In fact, the Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi are regarded by some mainland Chinese observers as those Japanese politicians who “understand China.” However, inside the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party and in the Japanese political arena, from time to time some political elites tend to be more hawkish toward China and see Beijing as a real military, economic and political “threat” – a “threat” perception parallel to the dominant US view of Beijing. If so, even the ruling political grouping in Tokyo is composed of members who are more “understanding” toward China, it may have to placate the other more “hawkish” grouping by adopting an apparently “hard-line” position toward Beijing.

The geopolitical struggles between the US allies and China have rendered Tokyo little room for diplomatic manoeuvre. On the Senkaku Island’s sovereignty dispute, Japan naturally adopts its firm position – a phenomenon perhaps the same as how Tokyo perceives the future of Taiwan where the Japanese rule lasted from 1895 to 1945 with a kind of historical nostalgia and emotional bond that affect some Japanese right-wing politicians’ view of Taiwan. Under these complex geopolitical circumstances, there are severe structural constraints on the further development of Sino-Japanese relations.

On the perception of the “China threat,” Yasuo Fukuda made an insightful remark in October 2021, when he said that “If a neighbour is an enemy country, whatever Japan tries its best cannot protect itself, but the most important matter is that we should not create enemies.” Avoiding the creation of enemies is perhaps an insight that has been neglected by some power elites in Tokyo.In conclusion, despite the structural geopolitical constraints on the harmonious development of Sino-Japanese relations, there are opportunities for both Beijing and Tokyo to achieve an ice-breaking thaw in the recently “worsening” relationships. The positive gestures made by the Chinese side are expected to have reciprocal returns from the Japanese side. If this diplomatic symbolism remains accurate, the release of the Japanese

