資金來源 兩大類別
其次,是可以不償還的資本。老闆打本做生意,成為公司的股東,佔有公司的股份,哪就是大家最熟悉的金融工具 ──股票。所以經常說笑,買了銀行股就變成銀行的老闆,當公司賺錢時,自己就坐下來等待派息,享受收成。
資本分類 風險不一
這些資本被喻為「核心資本」或者稱為「一級資本」(Common Equity Tier 1, CET1),因為股票作為資本,是沒有償還日期,遇上營運虧損,資本會被直接扣減;公司一旦倒閉,資産變賣和套現後,先償還員工薪金或政府欠款,然後是客戶的存款等,排到最後才是這些核心資本,屬於資本的「股票」往往變為廢紙一張。
具體的資本類別還有多種,例如「優先股」(Preferred Stock)和「後償債」(Subordinated Bond),這類金融工具不會和公司表現掛勾,但可以享受較高的利息回報;而期限亦會較長,有助銀行不受短期資金撤離的壓力,所以視為「二級資本」。
可可債 命運悲慘
2008年金融海嘯,監管機構再增加了一些新的資本類別,包括「防護緩衝資本」(Capital conservation buffer)、「逆周期緩衝資本」(Countercyclical capital buffer, CCyB)和「系統性風險緩衝資本」(Higher of systemic risk)等,金融市場亦設計出一款新的資金類別金融工具,稱為「CoCo債」(Contingent Convertible Bonds,或被稱為「可可債」)(註1)。
它面對的風險界介乎一級資本的「股票」和二級資本的「優先股」之間,故此被稱為「額外一級資本」(Additional Tier 1, AT1)。雖然利息回報不錯,但代價也較高。根據瑞士信貸銀行網頁介紹的八大風險,其中一項是「突發事故風險」,債券或會被轉換為股權的一級「核心資本」或是「減記」註銷;此外,也有一些條款是暫時或永遠終止支付利息。而所謂一般突發事故,可以包括銀行資本比例過低、監管機構要求等。
- CoCo債券的風險,在瑞士信貸銀行在2021年1月列的八大項(www.credit-suisse.com/hk/en/articles/asset-management/contingent-convertible-bonds-hk-202101.html):
- 信用風險 Credit risk: Issuers of assets held by the Fund may not pay income or repay capital when due. Part of the Fund’s investments may have considerable credit risk.
- 流動性風險 Liquidity risk: Assets cannot necessarily be sold at limited cost in an adequately short timeframe. Part of the Fund’s investments may be prone to limited liquidity. The Fund will endeavor to mitigate this risk by various measures.
- 交易對手風險 Counterparty risk: Bankruptcy or insolvency of the Fund’s derivative counterparties may lead to payment or delivery default. The Subfund will endeavor to mitigate this risk by the receipt of financial collateral given as guarantees.
- 突發事故風險 Event risk: In the case a trigger event occurs contingent capital is converted into equity or written down and thus may loose substantially in value. In addition, the Fund being predominantly exposed to financial institutions, adverse circumstances affecting this sector may cause material losses.(在觸突然發事故下,或有資本被轉換為股權或減記,債價可能會大幅貶值。此外,本基金主要暴露於金融機構,影響行業的不利情況可能導致重大損失。)
- 操作風險 Operational risk: Deficient processes, technical failures or catastrophic events may cause losses.
- 政治和法律風險 Political and Legal risks: Investments are exposed to changes of rules and standards applied by a specific country. This includes restrictions on currency convertibility, the imposing of taxes or controls on transactions, the limitations of property rights or other legal risks.
- Reuters, Credit Suisse says $17 billion debt worthless, angering bondholders, 20 March 2023.(www.reuters.com/business/finance/credit-suisse-writes-down-17-bln-bonds-zero-angering-holders-2023-03-19/)
- https://www.reuters.com/markets/rates-bonds/goldman-sachs-sees-risk-permanent-destruction-demand-at1-bonds-2023-03-20/