紅花嶺上見不到紅花,沿山脊一直走, 不難發現芒草的蹤跡。欣賞完美景和芒草後,可向北面下山,訪邊境寧靜的蓮麻坑村,及法定古蹟葉定仕故居,葉定仕與孫中山共同發起海外華人支援革命。
Robin’s Nest (aka Red Flower Ridge), at 492 metres high, is the highest peak in the northern New Territories. It is located in the northern border area, adjacent to Sha Tou Kok and Ta Kwu Ling, and to the north is the Wutongshan National Park in Shenzhen.
No red flower can be seen on Robin’s Nest. Walking along the ridge, it is not difficult to find silver grass, aka Miscanthus. After enjoying the fabulous scenery and silver grass, you can go downhill to the north to visit the peaceful Lin Ma Hang Village on the border and Ip Ting-sz former residence, a declared monument. Ip and Sun Yat-sen jointly initiated the overseas Chinese support for the 1911 revolution.