卡瑪探索神秘二戰碉堡 Karma Explores Secret WWII Fortification


多才多藝的藝術家、攝影師、旅行家,作曲家和作家卡瑪(Karma)探索廢棄的城門碉堡(Shing Mun Redoubt),一個由廢棄的第二次世界大戰一系列防禦設施和隧道組成的複雜網絡。

城門碉堡是二戰期間對日軍使用廣泛的英國軍事防禦線的核心遺蹟。它綿延18公里,大概沿着九龍與新界之間的邊界。 在1941年12月的香港戰役中,用了2年時間才建成的醉酒灣防線,在短短2天失守。帶有通風井和觀察點的深層防禦隧道以倫敦的街道命名,以使駐紮在那裡的英軍生活更輕鬆、更熟悉。

Karma, a multi-talented artist, photographer, traveler, composer, writer and avid urban explorer, surveys Shing Mun Redoubt, a complex network of abandoned World War II tunnels and fortification.

The Shing Mun Redoubt is the heart of the remains of an extensive British military defensive line used against the Japanese during WWII. It stretch for 18km loosely tracing the border between Kowloon and the New Territories. The ‘Gin-Drinkers Line’ took 2 years to build and fell after just 2 days during the Battle of Hong Kong in December 1941. The deep defensive tunnels with ventilation shafts and observation points were named after London streets to make life easier and more familiar for the British soldiers based there.

楊必興 P H Yang