全港人鏈再現 除夕夜燃亮尖沙咀 Hong Kong-wide Human Chain Again on New Year’s Eve Lit-up Tsimshatsui


2019年的最後一天,港人抗爭仍然不斷,今晩除夕夜,在喧鬧聲中,仍有不少人繼續抗爭,包括有人發起「除夕和你Shop」、「Suck The Eve」等,亦有人選擇再次在全港港鐡站外築起人鏈,手牽手燃亮「除夕之路」。

晩上7時尖沙咀港鐡站崇光百貨附近已有大批人聚集,8時開始形成人鏈。8時31分為8.31和所有死去的抗爭者默哀,有人舉起「光復香港 時代革命」黑旗,有人帶同連登豬和Pepe公仔,並用手機亮起燈,燃亮尖沙咀彌敦道。

On the last day of 2019, Hong Kong people are still protesting. On New Year’s Eve, many people continue to protest amidst the fanfare, including “Shop with You on New Year’s Eve”, “Suck The Eve”, etc. A citywide human chain was built outside the Hong Kong MTR stations, joining hands to light up the “New Year Eve Way”.

At 7 pm, a large number of people gathered at Tsimshatsui Station near Sogo Department Store. At 8 pm, a human chain began to be formed. At 8:31 pm, people stood in silence for the passing of all who sacrificed on 31 August. Some held up black banners reading “Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times”, some brought Pepe and Piggy dolls and used their mobile phones to light up Nathan Road.

楊必興 P H Yang