Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

僧侶誓死保護示威者 Monk Vows to Safeguard Protesters with Life

保護斯文賴有天 (洪咨夔 宋)





A monk appeared in the Legislative Council protest area and vowed to safeguard the young protesters with his life. He condemned the use of excessive force by the police on 12 June protest.

During the mass protest against the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance on 12 June, the police fired 150 tear gas canisters, several rubber bullets and 20 bean bags without warning. They failed to issued the required yellow flag, red flag and the final black flag warnings before firing.

The number of tear gas canisters was more than 70% over the 87 fired in the 2014 Occupy .

Many questioned the police’s excessive use of force, shooting at heads, eyes and reporters. The Police Commissioner Lo Wai-chung believed that the police exercised restraint as the situation was chaotic and the police used the appropriate force. However, the Complaints Against Police Office has received 19 complaints. The top officials of the Hong Kong government said they did not participate in the shooting decision trying to distance themselves from the action.

The Hong Kong Bar Association, legal scholars, human rights groups and journalist associations issued statements condemning the police’s use of excessive violence.

楊必興 P H Yang