大館主題群展《墨城》探索水墨藝術,如何通過當代和幽默的方式解讀散居四海的華人的社會經驗,包括性別身份、慾望和幻想。 它展示了19位當代藝術家的50多件作品,與中國傳統水墨畫截然不同的藝術形式,令人耳目一新。
賽馬會藝方 | 4月23日-8月1日| 免費
Ink City, a thematic group exhibition at Tai Kwun, explore how ink art are used to addressed social issues among the Chinese diaspora through often contemporary and humorous ways, including gender, identity, desire, and fantasy. It showcases over 50 pieces of work by 19 contemporary artists, offering a refreshing take on the art form radically different from the traditional Chinese ink paintings.
Self-proclaimed as “King of Kowloon”, Tsang Tsou-choi has spent years covering electrical utility boxes around Hong Kong with wild graffiti-like calligraphy. For decades since the 1950s, to the frustration of the authorities, these writings appeared all over the city on public surfaces and were viewed as a visual symbol of Hong Kong. What is most defining in these works by Tsang is that his activities did not take place in officially recognised art venues nor were they intended to be seen as artwork.
JC Contemporary | April 23 to August 1 | Free