Wed Mar 19 2025 21:31:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Chie 探測廢棄西式別墅  Chie Discovers Abandoned Western-style Villa

衣著時髦的 Chie ,熱愛城市探險,探索一座兩層西式別墅。它於1966年落成,後花園中有一個游泳池,佔地40000平方呎。別墅已被廢棄多年,變成了塗鴉藝術家的樂園。

衣著時髦的 Chie ,熱愛城市探險,探索一座兩層西式別墅。它於1966年落成,後花園中有一個游泳池,佔地40000平方呎。別墅已被廢棄多年,內部殘舊不堪,屋外樹木雜草和藤蔓叢生,變成了塗鴉藝術家的樂園。


Fashionista Chie, an avid urban explorer, ventures into a 2-storey Western-style villa. It was completed in 1966, with a swimming pool in the garden at the back, occupying 40,000 sq ft. The villa has been abandoned for many years. The interior is dilapidated, with trees and vines grow outside the house. It became a playground for graffiti artists.

Urban exploration is based on the principles of take nothing except picture, leave no trace and not revealing the location.

楊必興 P H Yang