Sat Mar 15 2025 06:05:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

探討「和你向前:尋找香港民主運動曙光」對談會 Exploring “Dialogue to Progress: A Silver Lining in the midst of HK Pro-democracy Movement”




第一環節:專題討論 (約2.5小時)

1. 國際社會的啟示──如何聚集國際力量迎難而上(英語)

由港大法律學院訪問教授譚競嫦教授(Prof Sharon Hom)擔任主持,其他嘉賓包括港大社會科學學院客席副教授沈旭暉教授、香港立法會前議員吳靄儀博士、國際特赦組織香港分會委員楊政賢先生、香港人權監察發言人葉寬柔女士及香港大專學界國際事務代表團發言人張崑陽先生。

2. 突破僵局:香港人的協作藍圖(廣東話)





A group of passionate youth from different backgrounds and professions, including education, human rights law, business, youth works, etc. Triggered by the intensifying actions and atmosphere since early October, they have brainstormed on what they can do in the current chaotic situation apart from assembly and “keyboard warriors” and finally came up with the idea of creating a real platform to gather different stakeholders to work towards the same ultimate objective – democratic development in Hong Kong, at the time that has insufficient trust and compromise. We believe that a platform for communication and understanding the thoughts of other fellows can create a common ground to push forward the pro-democracy movement. Thus, they immediately formed an ad-hoc task force called “Together We Progress” for organising the symposium.

Event Rundown:

Session 1 – Panel Discussion (Approximately 2.5 hours)

A. Shedding Light from International Community? How to unite Global Efforts against the Current Challenges? (Conducted in English)

Moderated by Prof. Sharon Hom (Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, HKU), guests include but not limited to Prof. Simon Shen (Adjunct Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU), Dr Margaret NG (Former Member of Hong Kong Legislative Council), Mr Johnson YEUNG (Board Member, Amnesty International (Hong Kong)), Ms Claudia YIP (Spokesperon, Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor) and Mr Sunny CHEUNG (Spokesperson, Hong Kong Higher Institutions International Affairs Delagation)

B. Beyond the Deadlock: Future Collective Actions by Hongkongers (Conducted in Cantonese)

Moderated by Mr Bruce Lui (Senior Lecturer, Dept of Journalism, HKBU), guests include Mr Eric Cheung (Principal Lecturer, Faculty of Law, HKU), Mr Johnny Lau (Current Affairs Commentator), Mr Figo Chan (Vice-convenor, Civil Human Rights Front), Ms Carol NG (Chairperson, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions) and Dr Arisina MA (Specialist in Geriatric Medicine)

Session 2 – Small Group Discussion (Approximately 1.5 hours)

Leveraging the inspiration from Session 1, participants get to suggest feasible yet diverse plans to introduce democracy to Hong Kong under the guidance of figures with relevant knowledge and experience, mobilising community efforts and wisdom to map the way out

About 300 secondary school students, tertiary students and the general public participated at HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity in Kowloon.


楊必興 P H Yang