Wed Mar 19 2025 23:43:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

中秋登高建人鏈 高歌照亮太平山 Victoria Peak Glows with Mid-Autumn Fest Human Chain Echoing with Songs

大批市民參加中秋「太平山之路」活動,手牽手築成人鏈,並用燈籠和手機亮燈,合唱《願榮光歸香港》,歌聲響徹山頂。獅子山亦有人鏈,獅頭亮起“Free HK”燈牌,掛「實行真雙普選」大型直幡。





至於獅子山人鏈,市民晚上7時半於樂富站集合,經獅子山登山徑上山,並以手機燈光點亮漆黑的山頂。有登山的市民稱,獅子山代表香港人打不死的精神,希望上山築人鏈表達訴求,同時令他人感受香港精神;有參加者說,他們在山上高唱《光輝歲月》及《獅子山下》。獅頭亮起“Free HK”燈牌,亦掛出「實行真雙普選」大型直幡。


Protests continued as the Government does not respond to the 5 major demands of the people. After “The Hong Kong Way” of 23 August when 210,000 built a 60-km human chain on the Lion Rock, downtown and many MTR stations, a second wave is launched on Mid-Autumn Festival to build human chains in all districts of Hong Kong. Once again on top of Lion Rock, which symbolizes the spirit of Hong Kong, human chains are also formed at Victoria Peak for the first time.

Numerous people responded to the online call for the Mid-Autumn Festival “Victoria Peak Way”. People gathered at the Peak Galleria at 7:30 pm and then join hands to form a human chain at the Peak. They used their lanterns and mobile phones to illuminate and sing “Glory to Hong Kong”, the theme song for the protesters echoed through the Peak.

Some people distributed paper lanterns printed with “Free Hong Kong and the revolution of the times”, “5 demands, not one less”. The crowds on Lion Rock and the Peak usex laser pens and strong lights to illuminate each other.

As for the Lion Rock human chain, people gathered at Lok Fu Station at 7:30 pm and climb up via the Lion Rock hiking trail, and illuminated the dark mountain peak with mobile phone. People said that Lion Rock represents the “Never Giveup” spirit of Hong Kong people, and hopes to build a human chain to make their demands. They sang “Glorious Years” and “Under the Lion Rock” on the mountain. People erected a “Free HK” light board and also hanged a huge banner reading “Implement Genuine Universal Suffrage”.

Others gathered at the parks or amusement facilities in various districts at 7:30 pm, and formed human chains at 8 pm and sang “Glory to Hong Kong”.

楊必興 P H Yang