Fri Jan 03 2025 23:59:59

Smell and Nose

玫瑰代表芬芳。Rose by any other name would smell as sweet, 名稱其實並不是最重要的東西,事物的價值,在乎其本質,叫它做什麼,沒有分別。This famous phrase is from Shakespeare's play “Romeo and Juliet”。玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。
玫瑰代表芬芳。Rose by any other name would smell as sweet, 名稱其實並不是最重要的東西,事物的價值,在乎其本質,叫它做什麼,沒有分別。This famous phrase is from Shakespeare’s play  “Romeo and Juliet”。玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。 

Good and Bad Smells

令人愉快的氣味 GOOD SMELLS,有很多不同的說法:the rich aroma of fresh coffee 新鮮 、醇厚的咖啡香味;a herb with a delicate fragrance 淡雅清香的芳草;the scent of wild flowers 野花的芬芳香氣。還有香燭 scented candles;芳香油aromatic oils;芬芳的香水fragrant perfume 等;the sweet smell of success is the pleasant feeling of being successful 成功的美妙滋味。
難聞的氣味 BAD SMELLS,即是有臭味的。Something smelly has an unpleasant smell。 SMELLY=to have a bad smell :fish is good, but fishy is always bad。  臭味 smell = stink = stench。臭氣薰天 to stink to high heaven means the smell is very offensive。 Smell to high heavenstink to the skies 可以用來形容令人十分厭惡的行勁。 這句流行語,典故出自莎劇《王子復仇記》“O! My offence is rank, it smells to heaven.” (Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet” )
令人不愉快的氣味,還有 ODOUR, STENCH, STINK, REEK : household nasty odours 家裏難聞的氣味;the stench of rotting meat 腐肉的惡臭;the stink of stale sweat 汗臭味;the reek of beer and tobacco 啤酒和烟草難聞的强烈臭味。 描述令人不快氣味的形容詞,可以選擇 SMELLY, STINKING, MUSTY,  ACRID : smelly cheese 有難聞氣味的奶酪;stinking fish 發臭的魚;musty old books 發霉的舊書;acrid smoke 剌鼻嗆人的烟。FOUL is strongly unpleasant: a foul smell。 
嗅覺 your sense of smell is the ability that your nose has to detect things。
SMELL 英美串法習慣不同 American English usually uses the form smelled as the past tense and past participle. British English uses either smelled or smelt

有關嗅覺的 Idioms

Smell a rat 表示你感覺到有可疑之處,懷疑某事不對頭 you suspect that something is not quite right : The neighbours smelled a rat when they saw the open window。They phoned the police who caught the burglar。 The phrase originally refers to a dog or cat sniffing out a rat。Smell a rat 意思相近於 smell fishy = to seem suspicious, because fresh fish do not smell but stale or rotten ones do :fish is good, but fishy is always bad。
Air-freshener  是空氣清新劑  a chemical which removes bad smells from a room ;smelling salts 是嗅鹽, 有剌鼻的氣味,舊時用作蘇醒劑 a chemical with a strong smell which is used to help someone recover after they have fainted。
嗅覺自然令人聯想到鼻子有趣的英語:A hard-nosed person is tough and realistic, he takes decisions on practical grounds rather than emotional ones頑强的,講求實效的人。A toffee nosed person behaves as if he is better than other people; he is having a high opinion of himself and a low opinion of other people 妄自尊大,勢利眼的人。 
鼻子和嗅覺分不開。鼻子的敏銳觸覺,經常和直覺扯上關係:follow your nose means to go straight ahead  憑直覺,憑本能決定行事,多於跟隨指示或規矩。 鼻子朝天,表示傲氣, turn up your nose at something means regard something with contempt。鼻子向下 nosedive  形容價格暴低或突降,好似飛機向下俯衝。嗤之以鼻,表示對某件事不屑一顧,瞧不起:hold one’s nose in the air in a disdainful way 傲慢行事,目中無人 。至於牽着別人的鼻子走, 迫使他接受你的要求,完全控制他,可以說 lead someone by the nose,you force him to submit to what you want  操縱及支配他 。

Nosy and Great Nose

多管閒事 NOSY 的說法,用上鼻子的,有兩個不同的版本:poke your nose into something   或 stick your nose into something 表示多管閒事,插手於和自己無關的事。不干預,不過問,可以說 keep your nose out
鼻子大的人,認為每個人都在談論他的鼻子:he that has a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it。這句諺語,勸人對自己的缺陷不要太敏感,或是覺得不安;因為別人並不如你自己那麼注意它們。另一句諺語 cut off your nose to spite your face 害人反害己 ,想報復別人,反害了自已,you suffer harm while trying to harm somebody else:你準備做某些損人的事,未有發覺或注意到這樣做,同樣會傷害自已,甚至更深。記着:don’t cut off your nose to spite your face 不要惱怒之下,一時衝動,做出傷害自己的事,和自己刻意過不去。  
