Mon Jan 20 2025 07:18:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

毋忘六四——燭光晚會 Cannot Forget – June 4 Vigil

燭光不滅,永在心田! 今年六四32周年,維園燭光晚會連續第二年被香港警方禁止。

19歲的瑪麗和她的朋友在香港維園舉行的年度燭光晚會中哀悼,以紀念 1989 年 6 月 4 日天安門大屠殺 23 周年。她們均是在該事件發生後出生的。


19 year-old Mary mourns at the annual vigil at Victoria Park, Hong Kong, with her friends, to commemorate the 23th anniversary of the 1989 June 4 Tiananmen Massacre. They were all born after the event.

The annual June 4 vigil at Victoria Park for the 32nd anniversary this year has been banned by the Hong Kong Police for the second consecutive year.

楊必興 P H Yang