真真假假。「真作假時假亦真,無為有處有還無」出自《紅樓夢》。 中國四大名著之一的不朽巨著 《紅樓夢》作者曹雪芹,不僅文學造詣精進,而且故意地將「真事隱去」,讓「假語存言」。
Real 與 True
REAL 指 actually existing 實際存在,而不是想像、虛構或臆造的;TRUE 則指與事實一致,符合大家接受的標準或道理。例如 this is a story of real life; this piece of translation is true to the original。
TRUE 有 correct 對的,in fact 真的,以及 exact 正確的,精確的等多重意思。一些跟 TRUE 扯上關係的慣用語,包括 true to life 逼真,活靈活現,惟妙惟肖,such as a book like《紅樓夢》就很有真實感,the book rings true or have a true ring to it 。一個人的說話、承諾,聽來真實可信,可以說 it has a ring of truth = it sound as if true。一個人露出真面目、本來面目,可以說 he shows his true colours,例如你突然發現他並不如你原先認識那樣誠實或道德高尚。如果你想說某人的行徑、性格、作風、狀態等,跟往常一樣,可以用 true to form,he behaves in the bad way that you would expect ,他的表現果然不出所料,一如既往。
另一部中國四大名著《西遊記》根據民間神話(myth)和一些傳說(legends),利用了唐朝僧人玄奘西行取經的真實歷史(historical truth),加工整理 ,裏面的情節,都是編造的(untrue and false)。《水滸傳》裏面宋江起義是真的(real),但是歷史上沒有108個好漢那麼多,不能當史實(facts)看待,文學虛構因素(fictional element)比較多,it is a masterpiece of fact and fiction。
FALSE 有假的,不真實 not true,不真誠 not sincere,錯的 not correct 多重意思。有關 FALSE 的英文聯語特別豐富:
A false alarm 虛驚,假警報 something, although expected, that does not happen:例如某人說老板將來個突然造訪,結果卻是虛驚一場 someone said the boss was making a surprise visit, but it proved to be a false alarm;
a false dawn 假曙光,虛幻的希望,你認為情況會改善,但最終沒有實現,例如經濟復甦的假象 a false dawn for the economy;
a false economy 則表示看似省錢,其實並不划算的計劃 something that you think will save you money but which means you will have to spend a lot more money later;
a false move不明智舉動,可能引起不良後果的行為 an action that may cause a bad result;a false step,失策的一步 a mistake or 失足的一着 a misdemeanor;
a false start失敗的開端 a failed attempt to begin an activity or event;in a race, a false start 起步失誤 is when one person starts before the signal has been given 一起跑便犯規;
a false sense of security 是虛假的安全感。還有 a false argument/assumption/belief 表示錯誤的論據/假設/信念等。
《三國演義》的作者羅貫中,依據晉朝陳壽的正史《三國志》,加上長期流傳民間的三國故事,編成一部歷史小說(a historical novel)。History is non-fiction, a historical novel is a form of fiction。
FICTION 虛構;杜撰=things which are not true。“Give me facts, please, not fiction!” 請講事實, 不要編造故事!Pure fiction is completely untrue and invented。FICTION(小說類)的相反詞是 NON-FICTION 非小說類,詩、戲劇、小說等以外的文學作品 literature other than poetry, plays, stories and novels。大多數圖書館把書籍分成小說和非小說兩大類。Most libraries divide books into fiction and nonfiction。傳記 biography、自傳 autobiography、新聞體的紀實文學 journalistic literature 都可以是很有創意和具有很高寫作技巧的非小說類讀物(creative non-fiction)。
FICTIONAL 與 fiction 有關;FICTIONAL 虛構的;想像的;小說中的。Something fictional is not real or true and exists only in stories :例如 fictional characters 虛構的人物;fictional techniques 小說技巧;fictional friends 不存在的朋友。
FICTITIOUS 虛假的, 揑造的 invented by somebody rather than true 純屬虛構 : a fictionalized account of his childhood 關於他童年生活小說式的描述 ; many writers assume a fictitious name 很多作家取用假名。Someone fictitious is not real, not genuine, imaginary, like the fictitious characters in ”Journey to the West”(西遊記)。
FACTITIOUS 比較少見,它的意思是造作的,不自然的 artificial, not natural。例如:a person’s factitious delicacy of speech 一個人矯揉造作的講話;a factitious demand for bitcoin 虛擬貨幣人為的需求量,the artificial demand for bitcoin is invented, worked up, or designed for a purpose and made to appear to be true。