TRAVEL 這個英文字有不同的近義詞:journey, voyage, trip, outing……以上各字均指旅行或旅游,深入比較,用法各有不同
讀萬卷書,行萬里路,增廣見聞,是旅行的最大功效。英國作家 Francis Bacon 的一篇著名散文《Of Travel》這樣寫道: Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience. 對青年人來說,旅行是教育的一部份;對老年人來說,旅行是閱歷的一部份。
TRAVEL 這個英文字有不同的近義詞:journey, voyage, trip, outing, tour, excursion, jaunt, junket, expedition, cruise。They are all words for an act of travelling to a place,以上各字均指旅行或旅游,深入比較,用法各有不同 :


語言學家會告訴你兩者用法上的分別 :
Travel is used more to talk about journeys made by people in general; travelling is used more to talk about journeys made by a particular person : 例句 The pass allows unlimited travel on all public transport. 但是 My job involves a lot of travelling。還有:Travel is often used after a noun or adjective to describe a particular journey that people make: air/rail/space/business/foreign travel。

JOURNEY 旅行,尤其指長途旅行   

Journey is the most general noun of travel. It is now usually used of travel by land or by air and often suggests the covering of considerable time or distance, with no implication of a return。Journey 不一定包含往返旅行的概念 : go on a journey 去旅行/come on a journey 專程而來/return journey 回程 /send somebody on a journey 送某人上路,都是很常見的說法。Bye! Safe journey 再見,一路平安。

VOYAGE 航行,航海

Voyage is usually used of travel by water:a voyage in space 航天;an around- the- world voyage 環球航行;a maiden voyage 處女航或輪船首航;a long ocean voyage to South Africa 到南非去的長遠海上旅程。

TRIP 短程往返的旅游

A trip is an act of travelling from one place to another, and usually back again 通常指往返兩地的旅行。An eventual return to the starting point is often implied。
TRIP is more informal than journey and voyage; trip is more frequent than journey and is used in a wider range of context。A trip 可用於較廣的範圍和語境;a journey is usually one-way 通常用於單程旅行;a shorter time or distance is suggested。 Journey 行程一般較 trip 短。
例子:a business/school/shopping trip 商務出差/學校旅行/購物旅程;a long and difficult journey across the mountains 漫長而艱辛的翻山旅行。

OUTING 通常不超過一天的集體學習或游玩

Outing refers to a short trip made for pleasure or education, usually with a group of people and lasting no more than a day。


A tour indicates a trip in which many places are visited, very often made for pleasure:a tour of the Silk Route 絲綢之路漫遊;a tour of Italy that included stops at Milan, Venice, Florence, and Rome 意大利多個城市之旅;a sightseeing tour/a guided tour 導遊觀光團。


Excursion emphasizes a temporary departure from a given place and specifies a return to it。An excursion can point to a sea or land tour or to a short outing; it serves as a more formal substitute for trip or tour:An all day excursion to the island 島上遊覽了一整天。
JAUNT and JUNKET both suggest an excursion for recreation or pleasure。Junkets often imply a trip of nothing more than pleasure-seeking.  
JAUNT 短途遊覽 suggests a short trip or outing that you make for pleasure: a weekend jaunt to a tourist resort. 
JUNKET 公費旅游 is more specific in pointing to the trip of a public official whose expenses are paid, usually from public funds: a junket of Congressmen to the pleasure capitals of Europe. 美國國會議員到歐洲首都的公費旅遊。

EXPEDITION 考察、遠征、短途旅行 

An expedition is an organized journey with a particular purpose, especially to find out about a place that is not well known, or sometimes a short trip such as a shopping expedition。


Cruise is a voyage on a ship or boat taken for pleasure or as a holiday and usually calling in at several places: a cruise down the Nile沿尼羅河乘船觀光; a luxury cruise liner 豪華郵輪
游船河是 TOURISM 旅游業的一盤大生意。
TOURISM旅游業或觀光事業,定義很豐富,是一門綜合的新興學科:Tourism is a collection of activities, services and industries that delivers a travel experience, including transportation, accommodations, eating and drinking establishments and other hospitality services provided for individuals or groups traveling away from home。 Hospitality 款客之道,是旅遊從業員的精髓。
旅游業可以分成兩大類別 There are two  main types of tourism :
團體旅游 Package tour – all arranged by travel agents,  旅游者 tourists 一般按旅游批發商tourist agents制訂的日程、路線、交通工具。
自助旅游 Independent tour – planned and arranged by travelers themselves. 自助旅遊,是不完全依賴旅行社套裝行程的一種旅遊方式,完全由旅行者自行安排交通,住宿以及想要參觀的景點,興之所至,率性而行。
難怪英國散文家 William Hazlitt《On  Going a Journey》說:One of the pleasantest things in the world is going a journey; but I like to go by myself 。世上最大的樂事是旅行;而我喜歡獨自一人旅行。  
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