Three and Four

說三道四,英漢有異;四平八隱,中外皆然. The number of legs on a table, chair, pig or cow, four stands for symmetry and stability。
西方英語世界,3字思維很普遍:時間: past, present ,future。日子:morning, afternoon, night。文章寫作黃金律:beginning , middle,  end。 三一律:unity of time, place and plot, 要求情節、時間和地點一致的劇本寫作秘笈。
西方的科學、文學和故事中3字的流行說法, 不勝枚舉 :3  is a favourite number among storytellers  as well as in both science and arts。
THREE OF A KIND :  three little pigs/three blind mice/the three musketeers/three witches in Macbeth/three wise men/three men in a boat/three coins in a fountain /the three amigos /the three tenors-Luciano Pavarotti, Placid Domingo, Jose Carreras。 


無論西方宗教經典或古代神話,3字的色彩和組合,比比皆是:3  occurs repeatedly in scriptures and mythology : 基督教有聖父聖子聖神三位一體的說法 Christianity has the holy trinity of the father, the son and the holy spirit;伊斯蘭有三大聖地 Islam has three holy cities, Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem;中國道教有天地人 Heaven, earth and man in Chinese Taoism。
英文3字配搭出現倒不少:三件一套的西裝 three-piece suit;大型熱鬧的演出 three ring circus;三連霸獲勝 three-peat;三星上將 three-star general;三星級酒店 three-star hotel。
成語中的 three strikes against someone or something 表示不利成功的3個因素 ;
事不過三 three strikes and you are out : 某國家或組織的政策或法令,無論情節輕重,只要有人觸犯三次,就會受到嚴厲懲罰 three chances and you are finished. 例句:One more arrest for speeding and you lose your license. You know, three strikes and you’re out。
有趣的英文組合三胞胎 triplets : threesomes that often hang around together, like our three primary colours—red, blue and yellow 三原色。3個字連成一體的 trio ,  信手拈來有 : ready, willing and able;  eat, drink and merry;  food, shelter and clothing; tall, dark and handsome; hop, skip and jump;  lock, stock and barrel 全部所有;  hook, line and sinker 毫無保留。
說三道四,英漢有異;四平八隱,中外皆然. The number of legs on a table, chair, pig or cow, four stands for symmetry and stability。

說三道四 英漢有異

FOUR OF A KIND : 4人一組foursome, 四柱大床four-poster bed, 交響樂的四大樂章four movements in a classical symphony,  四季 four seasons,  四瓣心房four chambers of the heart。
人類的四大災害是戰爭、飢荒、瘟疫和死亡 the four horsemen-of the apocalypse are war, famine, pestilence and death。
著名的四人組合 FAMOUS FOURS :
耶穌四大門徒 the four apostles-Matthew, Mark, Luke and John;流行樂壇披頭四 the four Beatles-John, Paul, George and Ringo ;文化大革命四人幫 the Gang of Four in the Chinese Cultural Revolution。
少於4分鐘完成的賽跑紀錄  In the sport of athletics, the four-minute mile is the act of completing the mile run in less than four minutes。
加、减、乘、除是數學的4個計算方法 the four mathematical rules-addition, subtraction, multiplication, division。

The Fourth Estate

國家權力的第4等級,指新聞界及其影響力, the press or journalism is the fourth estate,  其他三級是政治、司法和行政權, the other three are politics, the judiciary and the administration.  拿破崙曾經說過:三份報紙發出的反對威力,比一千把刺刀更令人驚懼:“Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets.”  
幾個4字的習用語:the four corners of the world 世界上所有不同的地方;
a four-letter word 原先指4個字母組成的粗俗下流單字,但今天在口語用法中不再局限於這個數字,a short word that is extremely rude or obscene;例句 : The basket ball player was suspended after using a variety of four-letter words in front of the umpire;
on all fours 手腳匍匐趴行 with both hands and both knees on the ground;  例句 :  I dropped a contact lens and spent an hour on all fours looking for it;
make up a four 拼凑成4人打牌 join three others to play cards; 
between you and me and these four walls 叮囑別人保守秘密 ,  this idiom signals that you are about to tell someone a secret。  
