中國功夫的「五祖拳」,講求以柔濟剛,對付威猛激烈。現代國際關係,講究國家文化的軟實力 soft power,多於軍力財力。國家經濟高速發展,也希望可以成功軟着陸 soft landing。
SOFT 有3個最常用的意思:
- NOT HARD 不硬,柔軟 ,引申出如下不少用法 。
- NOT STRICT 不嚴厲, this usage is usually disapproving 含貶義, such as you are not severe or strict enough with something or somebody : a parent who is too lenient on his child 溺愛縱容過份的家長 or a government who is soft on crime,政府打擊罪犯的態度軟弱,對付犯罪的行為手軟,通常都含貶義。
- TOO EASY 太容易, again this meaning is very often disapproving, 例如太安逸的生活: They get too used to the soft life at home and don’t like to move around 他們過慣了家里的安逸生活不想勞碌奔波。
Everyone has a soft spot
If you have a soft spot in your heart for someone or an animal 表示你特別喜歡或十分在乎某人或某隻寵愛的動物, you have a fondness for someone, something, or an animal : Mary has a soft spot for kittens. If you soft pedal something 表示你對某事低調處理,輕描淡寫,把重要的部份刻意輕輕帶過 you deliberately treat something less serious and fail to emphasize the important parts 。If you soft soap somebody 表示你為某人刻意說好聽的奉承話,向他大灌迷魂湯;soft soaper 指奉承的拍馬屁者、諂媚的人;to soft soap is to flatter to gain something 和 to apple-polish 同義。
Soft job 是輕鬆的工作 an occupation that is easy to do; soft option 是最輕鬆最省事的選擇 an easy choice among more difficult alternatives; soft touch 是耳朶軟、輕信而容易上當的人 a gullible person, a likely victim of a scheme。
A soft hearted person is kind, sympathetic and emotional 心腸軟的,富同情心的人,而 hard headed is unemotional, determined and practical 堅定而不感情用事 ,精明冷靜,講究實際;soft centred 是軟滑夾心的,例如 a chocolate with a soft mixture inside, 而 somebody having a soft centre usually refers to a person who is not really as severe as he seems to be 表面嚴厲但心腸軟的人;soft drinks do not contain alcohol 不含酒精的軟飲料, 而 hard liquor 指 spirit 烈酒 such as whisky, gin , rum and vodka because in North America, the term hard liquor is used to distinguish distilled beverages 用蒸餾法釀製的酒類 from undistilled ones which are implicitly weaker;a hard drinking person 則指大量飲酒的豪飲客。
Hard-boiled egg 暗喻難以相處
Hard-boiled 表示 tough 强硬的, 不動情的。雞蛋煮得老硬了也可以說 hard-boiled, 煮得嫩而僅熟的蛋 soft-boiled eggs ,蛋黃呈半流質狀態更好吃 because the egg yolk is still soft or liquid。口語上 hard boiled egg 也可暗喻一些難相處的人,或手段厲害的傢伙;hard-boiled 另一個意思是 unemotional,不流露感情的 not showing much emotion : 所以美國冷靜寫實的偵探小說便泛稱為 hardboiled fiction, a tough, unsentimental style of American crime writing that brought a new tone of earthy realism or naturalism to the field of detective fiction。
傳媒近年來最流行的說法是 play hardball 強硬態度,強硬爭取想獲得的東西,就算用到無情或不當的手段,也在所不惜。硬球 hardball 和棒球 baseball 同義,與體積更大的軟球 soft ball 對比。To play hard to get 即是某人渴望從你處得到他難以得到的東西,例如同意書或許可證 ; hardball politics 便是強硬政治,showing the politician’s determination 出手果斷的政治手段。Hard core refers to the most active and those of an organization that will not change their beliefs or behaviour 中埾份子,核心⻣幹人物。
HARD 除了堅固、硬淨、費力之外,也有艱難、不易的意思: hard to believe, hard to say 屬於這一類:hard times 指艱難時世 difficult situation; hard up 通常指一個人等錢用,經濟發生困難,生活拮据; a hard nut to crack指棘手的問題 difficult problem to solve 也可指難以對付,不易說明或馴服的人 a person who is difficult to deal with or to influence。