中國古代神話中記載女媧為人面蛇身,見於馬王堆出土文物。 今日少數民族中,尚有對蛇崇拜的風俗。 印度弄蛇人 a snake charmer 能吹簫引蛇起舞。
西方偶有詩人欣賞蛇蜿蜒曲折之美姿,poets sometimes admire the intuitive, introspective, refined and collected attributes of snakes;但大多數人對蛇的特徵,見諸文字的,便有 : acute, cunning, proud, vain, vicious 敏銳,狡猾,驕傲,自負,凶猛,不一而足。
SERPENT 比 snake 更普遍地比喻惡人,或在修辭上指魔鬼,而很少指長有麟片、無肢,大家都熟悉的爬行動物 snake。宗教上,文學上,the serpent in the Garden of Eden 便是伊甸園的蛇 ; the old serpent 等於魔鬼撤旦。《聖經舊約》 《古蘭經》 《猶太人古經》都記述:蛇引誘人類女祖夏娃偷食禁果之事。主觀上,SERPENT 給人可怕,力大的印象,而 SNAKE 則冰冷而奸詐。A snake in the grass 是陰險的小人,暗藏的敵人,偽善的朋友,也可以指潛伏的隱患和危機。To nourish a snake in one’s bosom : 在胸口養了一條毒蛇,比喻引狼入室,a snake is often a metaphor for treason and ingratitude。
蛇的動作,有特別說法 :
We often say : a snake slithers, slides, winds its way;蛇 curl up 盤繞的行動稱為 coil : the snake coils around a child;蛇盤成的圈狀,一般稱為 fold。
To snake is to crawl ;it refers to a snake’s winding movement 蛇行, 彎彎曲曲地移動,to snake 也可以指伸入厨房通渠的動作。The procession snaked its way through narrow streets 隊伍沿着狹窄的街道曲折而行。A snake spits and hisses 蛇發怒時,發出呼呼噝噝的聲音。
一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩,snakebite is a wound that you get when a poisonous snake bites you 毒蛇咬傷。 Venom 是毒蛇分泌的毒液。Fangs 指毒蛇上顎尖利的毒牙。
蛇頭鼠眼 蛇鼠一窩
Snake oil 指毫無用處或效果成疑的推銷品 a patent medicine of dubious value。 美國人所謂「蛇油」,大概都是不老實的 snake oil salesman/peddler 推銷員,誇張騙人的萬應靈藥。
Snake pit 既可指蛇洞 a man-made pit filled with poisonous snakes, 也可指蛇窩:a place which is extremely unpleasant or dangerous 令人反感或極其危險的地方。
蛇有蛇洞,鼠有鼠穴。蛇頭鼠眼,蛇鼠一窩,snake and rat share the same features and the same den, 蛇和鼠,總給人聯想在一起。
西方人用上 You dirty rat 是極度侮辱對方的稱呼:you dirty double-crossing rat 是英語犯罪小說,背叛者的代名詞。
A rat is a scoundrel, a deserter, an informer, or simply a despicable individual。
At various times,a rat 可以指政黨的變節者 a deserter of a political party;罷工行動中的工賊 a strike breaker or a scab;警方密探 a police spy ; 出賣情報的叛徒 an informer。
總之,a rat is an unpleasant person 討厭的人;卑鄙的小人;騙子。
A pack rat 馱鼠,則比較有趣,指喜愛收藏雜物的人 a person who collects, saves, or hoards small useless items。
試列舉一些最流行的說法 :
to smell a rat 對某事感到不對勁而生疑心 to guess that something wrong or dishonest is happening. She says that the business is making a lot of money, but I smell a rat somewhere. The figures are too good to be true。
look like a drowned rat 渾身濕透 because rats do not like water;bedraggled 弄濕 means made wet or untidy by rain。
the rat race 為爭權奪利的工作;拼個你死我活的生活方式 : fierce competition in unpleasant situations or a hectic urban environment such as big cities because rats are engaged in s relentless struggle for survival。
rats leaving a sinking ship 老鼠跳船;老鼠放棄將沉的船 a deserting person leaving a company or organization when it is in trouble。
to rat 告密 is to inform somebody in authority about something wrong that somebody else has done 。
to rat on your friends 出賣朋友;you can say someone rats you out if he is disloyal to you;記着:You can’t rat out your teammates。
to rat on something 背棄做某事的承諾 to go back on or to renege on an agreement undertaking;背信棄義,可以說:ratting on a promise:Nobody likes being ratted on a promise, especially when so much depends on keeping things secret 。