六神無主 in a trance ; 六親不認 you refuse to have anything to do with all your relatives and friends 。所謂六親:The six relatives are father, mother, elder brothers, younger brothers, wife and children。
漢語慣說:亂七八糟, 英語則常用 at sixes and sevens= in a state of confusion, muddle, disorder, 例句 : There were once so many people fell sick after the SARS pandemic that people in hospitals have been at sixes and sevens。
第六感覺;直覺,the sixth sense is a perception or intuition beyond the 5 senses。 The 5 senses are sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch 視、聽、嗅、味、觸 五覺。
SIX 見於多個英式俚語
漢人七尺昂藏,屬於高大威猛,英語 a six footer is a person who is at least six feet tall ; 所謂 six-shooter/six gun,原意是可裝六發槍彈的左輪手槍revolver,現在已成為美國西部手槍 handgun 的總稱 ; 加拿大商店 six-pack 指六瓶裝、六罐裝一起出售的貨品,尤其是啤酒 : a set of six bottles or cans sold together, especially beer ; 體育行內術語 6 iron 指高爾夫球運動以鋼鐵製成的六號球桿iron club ; six-shot ammunition clip 則指警察機動部隊所佩帶的六連發彈藥夾 ; six-figure 多指 a six figure salary 六位數的薪金,10萬元以上的入息 ; the sixty-four dollar question 或 the sixty four thousand dollar question=$64000 美元的問題,即是難以解答的問題幽默說法 : a question which is very difficult to answer, 這句慣用語源於美國電視台問答遊戲節目的豐富獎金,跟從前上世紀40年代電台頭獎只有$64 dollars多出很多。
半斤八両,不相上下it’s six of one and half of a dozen of the other,指兩人的情況, 基本上一樣,it is the same in both cases, 好壞都差不多 there is little difference between two things, situations, or people。例句:You have very little to choose between them : Either of the candidates would be suitable for the job. It’s six of one and half-a-dozen of the other.
假如某事給某人難以支持的驚喜或震撼,可以用 knock someone for six , it gives you a surprise or shock which you have difficulty recovering from , 也可以用 hit someone for six; 兩者都表示極大程度地影響某人, to affect somebody very deeply。這個片語的起源,有兩種說法。一說源自 dice playing 骰子遊戲,另一種說法認為源自中古時代的倫敦,有兩個行業團體,為了一年一度倫敦大遊行的先後次序爭執不休,誰該排第六,誰又該排第七,後來的解決辦法,這兩個團體唯有依次輪流,一直到今天仍然如此。
中國人說九泉之下,入土為安,洋人說 six feet under : “Old Johnny !” ”He’s been six feet under for twenty years now! He is dead and buried in a grave.” 洋人從前教孩子,也有體罰 corporal punishment,用藤條打六下的懲罰,慣稱 six of the best,即是 six blows with a cane 。
身處七重天,極樂也, if you are in seventh heaven, you are extremely happy : Since they got married they’ve been in seventh heaven 婚後生活,樂趣無窮。伊斯蘭教認為天國有七層,七重天,是亞伯拉罕統治中最榮耀的一層。猶太教,相信七重天是上帝和天使居住的地方: the seventh heaven is the dwelling place of God and his angels。
七宗罪 , the seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins 屬於人類惡行的分類,分別是貪食gluttony、色欲 lust、貪婪 greed、 暴怒 wrath、懶惰 sloth、傲慢 pride 、妒忌envy。相對於七宗罪,天主教列出了七美德 the seven heavenly virtues:貞潔 chastity、節制 temperance、慷慨 charity、勤奮 diligence、耐心 patience、寬容 kindness、謙遜 humility。
婚後7年另覓新歡的慾望 the seven year itch 俗稱七年之癢 : If someone who is married gets the seven year itch, he becomes bored with his relationship after about seven years and often desires to start a sexual relationship with another person。
Seven Sisters 可指昴星團:七姊妹七顆亮星 the Pleiades,也可指美國長春滕聯盟東岸有名的七間女子大學 the seven traditional women universities in eastern United States with very high academic standards and social status。
The seven seas 世界上所有的海洋;等同漢語:四海之內 all the earth’s oceans 。
It is hard to imagine the Conservatives could govern for very long without a majority in the House of Commons, after nine years in power by 2015 during which all possible bridges with the opposition parties were not only burned, but smashed to pieces.