Search teams are still looking for the debris from the missing plane Flight MH370 in Indian Ocean 各方搜索人員仍在印度洋海面找尋馬航失事客機的殘骸。DEBRIS 殘骸、碎片 are broken pieces of wood or metal left after something has been destroyed in an accident or explosion:After the explosion there was a lot of debris everywhere 爆炸之後,到處碎片。
SEARCH 含義廣泛,有搜索、搜查、尋找、探求、細看的意思,視乎用法而定。
TO SEARCH is to look at, through, into something or to examine carefully and thoroughly to try to find something。警察對小偷進行搜身,但發現他身上沒有武器 : The police searched the thief but found no weapon on him。She searched her Bible for a word of comfort。她翻看《聖經》,尋找慰藉的話。The scientists were searching for a cure for the common cold 科學家正在尋找治療普通感冒的方法。
You carry out or conduct a search。You begin or launch a search。You call off or abandon a search。A fruitless search is an unsuccessful one 徒勞無功的搜索。A wild goose chase is a search for something that is impossible to find 大海撈針般的搜索 or that does not exist, that makes you waste a lot of time 白費氣力的尋找。Fingertip search 指紋搜查 is a search for clues by police officers at the scene of a crime。Strip search 光身搜查 is a search of someone by taking off their clothes。A search warrant 搜查令is an official document that allows the police to search a building, for example to look for stolen property。我四處都找遍了I have searched high and low。SEARCH ME ! 我不知道/我怎麼知道 an informal way of saying I don’t know: What’s the time? Search me : I haven’t got a watch 幾點啦?我不知道,我沒帶錶。
SEARCHER is a person who searches 搜尋者;探究者;探求者。SEARCH PARTY is a group which is searching for someone or something 搜索隊;搜索救緩組。
Search 與 Discovery 的分別
SEARCH as a noun 跟 DISCOVERY 意思很相似,有時甚至可以互用。SEARCH is an act of searching 搜查/尋找:They made a long search for the lost plane 他們長時間搜尋失踪的飛機。The birds were flying south in search of winter sun 冬天鳥兒飛向南方尋找陽光。The journalist made a search of the public records 記者細心查閱公共檔案。The police search discovered no illegal drugs in the car 警察搜查車子後沒有發現違禁毒品。
DISCOVERY 發現 ,可以是 1. the event of discovering ;2. a case of discovering something; 3. something discovered。例句:1. She was shocked at the discovery that her boyfriend was a thief 她震驚地發現她的男朋友原來是個賊。2. The doctors made an important scientific discovery 醫生們尋找到一次重大的科學發現。3. A collector of rare insects showed us some of his latest discoveries 一位收集稀有昆蟲的專家展示他最新發現的品種。
DISCOVERY 指首次發現或知道某東西的存在;INVENTION指發明或第一次設計的東西。Thomas Edison had a lot of invention in his life 愛迪生一生發明了許多東西。The steam engine is Watt’s great invention. 蒸汽機是瓦特的偉大發明。Columbus′s discovery of the New World 哥倫布發現美洲新大陸。Madam Curie is well-known as a result of her discovery of the chemical element—radium 居里夫人因發現了化學元素「鐳」而聞名天下。
To DISCOVER 發現/發覺/知道答案/瞭解事實 = to learn a fact or the answer to a question。發現TO FIND OUT something existing but not known before, often a place or a scientific fact 即是發現己存在的地方,或未為人知的事物 : Columbus is said to have discovered America in 1492據說哥倫布1492年發現了美洲。Oil was discovered under the North Sea人們在北海海底發現了石油。FINDING OUT 找到/找出/查明=getting some information by asking or studying =searching : He was stealing my money, but they soon found him out 他偷了我的錢,但他們很快就查出來了。
SEARCH 其他近義詞辨析
- TO LOOK FOR = search for somebody or something=to try to find somebody or something that is lost which you need to know。
- INVESTIGATION 調查/ 被調查/ 研究an examination of facts to reasons, causes, etc : a full scale investigation大規模調查。
- EXPLORATION 勘探,探測,探索an examination of something in order to find out about it : the exploration of space對宇宙空間的探索。
- EXAMINATION 檢查 : a medical examination體格檢查。
- PROBE 徹底調查a careful and thorough inquiry : a police probe警方詳細調查。
- SCRUTINY 仔細審查a close study or a careful and thorough examination : under public scrutiny交由公眾審議。
- RESEARCH 調查研究a careful examination of a subject in order to find out new facts about it : research and development研究和開發。