English Proverbs 英諺有云:Discretion is the best part of valour 小心謹慎為上策、勇敢之本;也說:Nothing ventured, nothing gained 不入虎穴、焉得虎子。不敢冒險,就一事無成。
可見 Safety and Risk 安全和風險,只是取向上的態度不同,英文慣用語,琳瑯滿目,見仁見智。
安全起見 以防萬一
有人喜歡 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 得到手的才靠得住,設法取得未來更好的,不如抓着現在預知的風險,以免夜長夢多 。大多數人喜歡安慰毯 a security blanket,當我們煩惱或緊張時,希望得到能夠提供安全感與慰藉的東西。童話故事中小朋友喜歡的安全毛毯,他們喜歡抱着,甚至放進嘴裏咬着的一塊布料,因為有安全感。怪不得很多人認為 : 集體活動比個人活動安全,safety in numbers means that being part of a group makes people feel more secure and more confident when taking action。
To play it safe 不冒險;safe as houses 非常安全可靠;to be on the safe side 以防萬一:為求保險起見,you do something to avoid danger, as a precaution to avoid any risks 例如:You think you locked the door but you’ll check again to be on the safe side。
如果交託給靠得住的人或機構,得到妥善照料,會安全無損: If something is in safe hands, it is being looked after by a reliable person or organization, it is therefore at no risk。你把東西放在安全的地方 If you put something out of harm’s way, you put it in a safe place where it won’t be damaged: you put this fragile vase out of harm’s way so that it doesn’t get broken。If you look before you leap, 三思而後行you are cautious before acting. If you watch your step謹慎行事you take care. If you tell someone to watch their step, you are advising them to be careful how they behave in order to avoid danger。
管理風險 致勝之道
現代社會複雜,風險處處存在,Risk Management in a dynamic society is receiving more attention because the world is fraught with danger 危機四伏 and full of risk, 所以 Safety and Risk Management Studies 安全策略和危機管理,成為熱門的顯學,在全球工商管理學院,大受歡迎。
有關 RISK 最常見的說法有:run the risk of 冒險;risk one’s life 冒生命危險 put one’s life in danger;risk one’s neck 鋌而走險 expose oneself to danger 不惜受傷或犧牲性命,進行危險的事; a calculated risk is a risk taken with full knowledge of the dangers involved 考慮過有危險存在的決定,是計算過的風險,清楚明白到有賭注的成份。
BET是注碼, up the ante 表示加大賭注或增加投資銀碼,當有競爭時,增加勝負得失的風險;a good bet or a safe bet 一件很明智或有效的事等着你去做;hedge your bets 你不想作出任何决定,因為你對事情如何發展下去,不想判斷錯誤;至於 all bets are off 即是你未能預料某件事情怎樣發展下去 you are avoiding making decisions so that you will not make a mistake whichever way the situation develops; 而 risk life and limb 表示你不顧受重傷和犧牲,也去幹某事,you chance your arm 儘管可能會失敗,你仍然冒險試一試,希望成功;至於 throw caution to the wind 表示沒有考慮過風險或危險便去馬。
各種冒險或賭博,最危險的遊戲,莫過於玩命的俄羅斯輪盤賭:Russian roulette — a dangerous game in which a person shoots at his own head with a gun that contains a bullet in only one of its chambers, 玩法是在左輪手槍安上一枚子彈,隨意對準自己的腦袋睹命開槍。
迫在眉睫的危險,有典故出處的慣用語 the sword of Damocles,希臘神話中,達摩克利斯在利劍下用餐的傳說:一柄由一條細繩掛在頭頂上的利劍,像徵我們必須面對的危險和恐懼。這句成語,更進一步的比喻,可指令人憂慮或畏懼的、隨時可能降臨的災禍。