Roads and Driving

RAOD AND STREET 最常見的的習用語:there is no royal road to learning 求知無坦途,學問無捷徑;take the high road 依照自已的信仰,採取最合乎倫理道德、不傷害他人的方式做正確的事;middle of the road 中庸之道,緩和之策 average and moderate, neither left-wing nor right-wing。
西諺有:All roads lead to Rome 條條大路通羅馬,殊途同歸;The beaten road is the safest 人人走過的路是最安全的 ,蕭規曹隨。


在城鎮,STREET(街道)是最普遍的英文用語;street 不可以指城鎮與城鎮之間的道路,而城鎮裹面的街道,streets in urban setting ,通常稱作 ROAD。其他可用於街道的名稱,還有:boulevard, circle, court, crescent, drive 。
美國常用的 AVENUE,多指兩邊有高大建築物的商業大道 a business street ,在英國和加拿大,也可指寬濶的林蔭道 a wide street lined with trees ;  LANE則指鄉間小路或市內建築物間的小巷胡同。市鎮的商業大街,常用 HIGH STREET 或 MAIN STREET;英式英語 high street (正街,大街) 多用於商店、銀行等集中的市鎮商業大街,而加拿大及美國則多用 main street (主要街道) 來表示。


連接城鎮較寬濶公路的名稱:英國的高速公路用 motorways,例如 the M57,加拿大人習慣說 highway,例如 Highway 7。美國人則名稱多多:freeways, superhighways, expressways,  interstates,   均指城外分道行駛的長途高速公路;tollroad, tollway, turnpike 都是收費公路。
我們說尋求各種途徑時,常用 to explore every avenue ;所以,取得成功的最佳途徑是努力工作,可以說:the best avenue to success is hard work。
小徑與小道有:path, track, trail, footpath, pathway 等不同叫法。碰見某人,即是 our paths cross。小街或小巷是 alley and lane:a blind alley /cul-de sac 死胡同 is a dead-end street,一端封閉的巷子a street or passage open only at one end。
Fast lane / slow lane:快線 ‘fast lane’ 、慢線 ‘slow lane’ 指高速公路上不同路線的行車速度,  引申的習用語 in the fast lane 則可以指多姿多采,充滿刺激的生活方式,但往往要經常面對來自四方八面的精神壓力。偏僻的、人跡罕至的地方叫 off the beaten track,寓意是離開常軌away from the main roads;one track mind 是單軌思考;track record 指個人業蹟 the accounts of one’s previous achievements;跟踪、搜尋、追查某人或某事到底 is to track somebody/something down 。


RAOD AND STREET 最常見的的習用語:there is no royal road to learning 求知無坦途,學問無捷徑;take the high road 依照自已的信仰,採取最合乎倫理道德、不傷害他人的方式做正確的事;middle of the road 中庸之道,緩和之策 average and moderate, neither left-wing nor right-wing。至於 further down the road=what might happen in the future=今後,將來,而 the end of the road 即是窮途末路、最終結局、達到盡頭;dead end 表示沒有發展前景 no future , no prospects。
普通人是 man in the street:an average or typical person; 沿着街走 go down the street; 無家可歸on the street =have no where to live。Wall Street指美國紐約華爾街的金融中心;Fleet Street艦隊街指英國倫敦新聞界 the London newspaper business;而 the old lady of Threadneedle Street 則是英格蘭銀行 the Bank of England 的暱稱。

“what are you driving at ?” 

駕駛 DRIVING 有關的習用語倒不少:hit-and-run 指肇事逃走的交通事故 a road accident when someone fails to stop after causing injury when driving;而肇事後不顧而去的駕駛人,通常叫a hit-and-run driver;酒後開車罪 drive under the influence is the crime of driving a vehicle after drinking too much alcohol; 公路暴怒 road rage 表示司機之間因駕駛問題大動肝火 ;road hog 則指妨礙其他車輛正常行駛的莽撞司機 a dangerously discourteous driver without thinking about the safety of other road users 。
DRIVE 作動詞用時,有以下典型的例子:drive away 驅車離開 / drive off 驅車離去:the robbers  drove off in a stolen vehicle劫匪駡駛着一輛偷來的汽車逃跑了;drive somebody mad逼得某人發瘋;drive somebody round the bend 逼得某人受不了;what are you driving at ?   你要說什麼?what are you trying to say 你意下如何?drive something home  即是把問題、事實、論點等透徹地講清楚,使人充份理解。
最後,駕駛者座位的人 the person in the driver’s seat 指擔任負責人,處於統領或控制的地位;take a back seat 是處於次要地位的人,而對駕駛者指手劃腳的乘客,則可以用 a back-seat driver,he is the guy who offers unwanted advice to the person in charge,  此人多管閒事, 或者企圖越權, a person who wants to be in control of something that is not his responsibility。
