關於記憶的研究,屬於心理學或腦部科學的範疇。Memory in psychology is the process by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved.
- 編碼 = encoded 吸收新的信息進入長期記憶 receiving, processing and combining of received information
- 儲存 = stored a permanent record of the encoded information
- 回憶/讀取 = retrieval, recall or recollection 整理記憶的內容, 通過有規律的讀取, 達到儲存重要信息的目的 calling back the stored information.
有些人記憶力很強,someone has a very retentive memory:He can recite the whole poem from memory 他能背誦全首詩。他過目不忘, he has a photographic memory,相等於漢語成語:背碑覆局,記憶力強, 看過的碑文能背誦,棋局亂後能復舊。
Memory Expression and Idioms
- memory plays tricks 記憶會作弄人的: Are you sure? Memory can play tricks on you。
- if my memory serves me well/right/correctly 如果我沒有記錯的話。
- in memory of somebody 作為對某人的記念 : He found the charity in loving memory of his late father.他創辦了這慈善事業紀念他以故的父親。
- a trip down memory lane 緬懷過去,追憶往事,to spend time remembering the past。
- loss of memory 失去記憶:He suffered loss of memory for weeks after the accident事故之後,他有幾個星期失去記憶。
- your mind goes blank 腦海一片空白
- rack your brains; cast your mind back; on the tip of your tongue 都跟你設法子想起某事有關 trying to remember something。
Forgetting and Forgetfulness
有些人記憶力不好,簡單的說法,例如:I have a terrible memory; I have a bad memory for names 我不善於記名字, I have a memory like a sieve = I forget things easily 健忘,記性差。The loss of memory is described as forgetfulness。
遺忘 = 記憶的丟失,或者用電腦儲存的術語來說:因信息間的競爭而導致讀取失敗。
Amnesia 失憶症 is a medical condition or disorder in which somebody partly or completely losses his or her memory 記憶缺失。例如:He suffered loss of memory for weeks after the accident 事故之後,他有幾個星期失去記憶。
事件的記憶,往往和情感有關連,Emotion can have a powerful impact on memory。很多心理學家的研究指出:個人深刻的經歷最難忘記:Numerous studies have shown that the most vivid autobiographical memories tend to be of emotional events, which are likely to be recalled more often and with more clarity and detail than neutral events,例如與女朋友的首次見面或者童年時被狗咬。 Stress has a significant effect on memory formation 心理壓力愈大,記憶愈持久: People often cannot forget their unhappy, unpleasant, painful, haunting and traumatic experiences. They are etched on your memory/heart/mind. You remember them because they have made strong impressions on you 刻骨銘心,永誌不忘。
關於記憶訓練,有很多這方面的書籍和專家。Joshua Foer 最新的一部暢銷書 Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything 指出兩個大原則:形象化記憶和選擇性遺忘 。One key is the ability to forget and another is to build memory palaces in your mind。The memory palace is a technique that was invented in ancient Greece. It involves imagining a building in your mind, populating that building with images of what you want to remember。他也指出專注的重要性:Paying attention, first of all, is the most important。Figuring out what is colourful and interesting in a situation that you’re in or in something that you’re hearing, reading and figuring out how to integrate it。
記憶術的秘訣:就是要善於使記憶材料形象化。形象記憶,不僅在記憶速度上,要遠遠超過符號記憶,而且其記憶容量,也是符號記憶所望塵莫及的。所謂 visualization 形象化,就是通過 imagination (想像)和 association (聯想),將 abstract(抽象)的賦予人為的想像,使之具有 vivid and concrete images(生動鮮明奇特的形象),抽象的事物,也變得 easy to remember(容易記憶)了。