PROGRESS COLLOCATIONS : 「進展」最慣見的搭配例子:make progress:progress in doing something;slow/steady progress;good/significant/substantial rapid/progress;follow/chart/monitor/keep track of somebody’s progress;hinder somebody’s progress(make it slower);economic/technological/scientific progress。
文法上,PROGRESS is an uncountable noun。Do not say ‘a progress’ or ‘progresses’。
形容時間的過去,通常的說法有: Time can march, fly, run and flow。 We can mark, make, kill, beat, lose, find, keep and gain it。We can get behind time。 ‘Take your time!’ means ‘Don’t hurry!’ 慨嘆時間的飛逝:How time flies光陰似箭!形容時間停滯不前,漢語可以用渡日如年,英語的比喻,較多用 as slow as a snail, 蝸步,as slow as a funeral如喪禮在進行中。
Things are Going Swimmingly
假如一切進展良好 When good progress is being made , things are going swimmingly(successfully)。時間上僥倖還趕得及:‘We are making good time’ means that we are not late, 即是還未遲到,比約會還早 ,in fact we may well be ahead of time. 補償失去的時間,例如火車班次誤點:Making up arrears of time, as a train does when it is behind time, is to make up time。To get up to date with your e-mails replies which have fallen behind, you may say you have to catch up on correspondence。
形容人生事務一切進展良好,有另外一些慣用語 progress in the affairs of life may be expressed as: He’s making good = He’s making a success of things; he’s getting on well=he’s making success。也有人喜歡說:How’s he making out? (What progress is he making?)或者How’s he shaping?(What are his chances of success?)How’s it going? 等於問人家近況如何?How are you getting on ?
IMPROVEMENT in affairs may be described in this way: Things are looking up。When PROGRESS is impeded : 當進展出現阻礙,我們說:We get stuck in a rut; We get bogged down 阻礙;We suffer a set-back挫折。It’s not getting us anywhere 等於說 We’re not making any headway。勿杞人憂天,船到橋頭自然直,Don’t cross that bridge till you come to it。
DETERIORATION = to become worse 變壞 : to deteriorate into something = to develop into a bad or worse situation :The angry arguments deteriorated into a fight 憤怒的爭吵演變成打鬥。
退化DECAY的現象,很多生動的英語慣用語,例如fall to pieces (physical decay);go to pieces( a moral breakdown); are on their last legs(usually of things );go to rack and ruin 也有被遺忘的意思。It’s seen better days means that it has become shabby and almost worn-out。
情況惡化得很快 a rapid degeneration is to go from bad to worse。從壞到更壞,最生動的慣用語有 to be out of the frying-pan into the fire(to escape from one uncomfortable situation into another that is much worse) 逃脫小難又遭大難,壞上加壞。慢慢退步,漸漸變壞,尤其是形容生意漸不如前:a gentle decline, especially in business, is expressed by the phrase to fall off 。
逆境中仍抱希望,保持樂觀態度,可以有多種方式來表達 :things will have to get worse before they can get better, i.e. they haven’t yet turned the corner 轉危為安。Leading to improvement: when they do, they will begin to look up 冬天到了,春天還會遠嗎?When bad weather shows signs of coming to an end we say ‘The weather has taken a turn for the better’ 惡劣天氣有望轉好。
人際間出現緊張關係,多說無益,於事無補 Least said, soonest mended, more words may only make matters worse, or aggravate the situation,也可解作只要沒人再說,事情就會過去:a bad situation will pass or be forgotten most quickly if nothing more is said about it。
天下無不散之筵席,有些事物總有耗盡的一天,我們只好無奈報廢,for a thing that is no longer useful or serviceable we write it off。