Music and Song

上世紀最著名鋼琴家 Vladimir Horowitz 說過:鋼琴彈到像唱歌一樣,就最美妙了!Music to my ears 悅耳的聲音,我很高興聽到的信息;swansong 絕唱:藝術家、音樂家等最後的作品;演員的告別演出;運動員的告別比賽都屬於這類「天鵝之歌」;假如你想說勝負還沒有決定,還有希望追趕,不到最後,結果難料,你可以用一句有趣的成語來表達:It's not over until the fat lady sings.
音樂劇《仙樂飄飄處處聞》的歌詞這樣說:”The hills are alive with the sound of music, with songs they have sung for a thousand years.”

Make the Piano Sing, Sing, Sing

上世紀最著名鋼琴家 Vladimir Horowitz 說過:”On playing instrumental music, if you played percussively, the piano is a bore. The goal is to make the piano sing, sing, sing.” 鋼琴彈到像唱歌一樣,就最美妙了!
說到樂器的演奏者,我們多以 suffix(後綴詞)來表達:We often use the suffix “ist” for the person who plays a particular instrument, e.g. pianist, violinist, saxophonist, cellist, organist. But we say trumpeter, drummer, and usually keyboard player. The word for a flute player is a flautist.
“The symphony must be like the world. It must embrace everything.”(Gustav Mahler)
交響樂隊的主要樂器 orchestral instruments 可分四大類:
1. Stringed instruments 弦樂器:violin 小提琴,viola 中提琴,cello 大提琴,double bass 低音提琴。
2. Brasses 銅管樂器:trumpet 小喇叭,tuba 低音大喇叭,trombone 伸縮喇叭,bugle 軍樂號,cornet 短號,French horn 法國號。
3. Woodwinds 木管樂器:flute 長笛,clarinet 單簧管,oboe 雙簧管,saxophone 薩克斯管,bassoon 巴松管。
4. Percussion 敲擊樂器:drums 鼓,tambourine 鈴鼓,kettledrum 定音鼓,cymbal 鈸。
Types of music 歌曲主要類型:classical music 古典音樂,folk music民歌,jazz 爵士樂,pop music 流行音樂,rock and roll 搖滾樂等。
形容歌手,有頗多 singer 的近義詞:vocalist, crooner, minstrel, soloist, troubadour, chorister, balladeer, songster, songstress(a female singer used in newspapers)。
形容美好歌聲 voice 的字彙,例如 a sonorous voice 雄渾的,渾厚的嗓音;sonorous = having a pleasant full deep sound:the rich sonority of the bass 男低音飽滿渾厚的音色。類似 sonorous 的近義詞,還有resonant, full, round, deep, clear, mellow, fruity, strong, resounding, reverberant 等可供選擇。
不同歌者的主要唱法 types of singing voice:alto 女低音,baritone 男中音,bass 低音,falsetto 男高音的假聲,soprano 女高音,tenor 次中音。


Bravo 喝釆聲,an audience shouts “Bravo!” to show how much they have enjoyed a performance, such at the concert hall;
Encore 再來一個,an audience shouts “Encore!” at the end of a concert to ask for a short extra performance,在音樂會結束時觀眾要求再奏一曲。

Music Idioms

face the music 毅然承擔錯失的責任,接受批評或懲罰,to accept responsibility for something you have done;承担後果,受到懲罰,面對危險,to accept criticism or punishment for something you have done;
music to my ears 悅耳的聲音,我很高興聽到的信息,例如長期引頸以待,希望聽到的好消息:something we are happy and pleased to hear about。

Singing Idioms

sing the same song/sing the same tune 保持同樣的論調和態度;
sing from the same hymn/song sheet /book 唱同一調子,在公開場合口徑一致;
sing a different tune 改變觀點,改弦易轍:You are singing a different tune now! 今日的我,打倒昨日的我;
sing out 叫出/ 唱出:to shout some words or call out clearly and loudly;
sing up 放開嗓門,大聲地唱:Sing up, boys. We can’t hear you! 大聲唱,我們聽不見;sing up a storm 充滿熱情,大幹一番;
sing along 隨着主音歌手、唱片、錄音一起唱:Do sing along if you know the words. 你要是知道歌詞,就跟着唱吧;
sing somebody’s/something’s praises 讚揚某人:to praise someone or something very much with enthusiasm。

Song Idioms

go for a song 賤賣,以出乎意料低價售出,sold for an unexpectedly low price。例句:He sold the house for a song five years ago = he sold it very cheaply;
make a song and dance (about something) 為某事大驚小怪;為某事過分激動:overreacting to something unimportant,小題大做的抱怨;無無謂謂的吵閙,you are making an unnecessary fuss about it。Make a song and dance of your loved ones with the light-hearted classic Mamma Mia
swansong 絕唱 is the last piece of work that an artist or writer produces, the last time someone give a performance。例子:This concert will be her swansong. 藝術家、音樂家等最後的作品;演員的告別演出;運動員的告別比賽都屬於這類「天鵝之歌」;
假如你想說勝負還沒有決定,還有希望追趕,不到最後,結果難料,你可以用一句有趣的成語來表達:It’s not over until the fat lady sings.
