漢語中的愛情比喻:「在天願作比翼鳥,在地願為連理枝。」「曾經滄海難為水,除卻巫山不是雲。」比較西方的情話綿綿,更深刻動人。元宵佳節的詩句:「去年元夜時,花市燈如晝;月上柳梢頭,人約黃昏後。」比情人節最常說的 Be My Valentine 含蓄,更耐人尋味。
迷戀 head over heels in love
英語中,親暱的叫法有:sweetheart, honey, darling, dear, baby;夢中情人是 the person of your dream;心肝寶貝是 the apple of your eye;年輕的戀人 young lovers 叫 love birds;迷戀最常見的說法是 head over heels in love;一見鍾情可以說 love at first sight;dating 是男女間的社交約會,a date 也可以是約會對象,重要的約會是 a heavy date,未見過面的約會是 a blind date。一見面便產生好感的約會,可以用 take a shine to someone。
Lovable/Lovely/Loving 這三個詞並不是同義詞。Lovable 意為可愛的 、討人喜歡的;Lovely 的意思是美麗的、動人的;而 Loving 的意思是鍾愛的、充滿愛意的。
Love 喜愛、愛慕作為動詞,近義詞有 adore/care for/dote on:
It’s obvious that she adores him 她顯然深深地愛着他;
He cared for her more than she realized 她不知道他是多麼在乎她;
He dotes on his children 他溺愛他的孩子。
Love is blind 愛情是盲目的,戀愛中的人看不到對方的缺點。法國大文豪羅曼羅蘭(Romain Rolland)的名句:「一個動了愛情的人,看不見愛人的真面目」;英國戲劇大師莎士比亞:”But love is blind, and lovers cannot see / The pretty follies that themselves commit”(The Merchant of Venice《威尼斯商人》)。英國諺語也說:「愛是盲目的,恨也是盲目的。」
愛神 Cupid,在西方人眼裏,只是一個頑童,手持弓箭四處尋找愛的靶子;”Love looks not with eyes, but with the mind / And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind” 出自莎翁的 A Midsummer Night’s Dream(《仲夏夜之夢》)。英國人說:「蒙着眼的愛神,却能準確地走近戀人的心靈。」但中國人則更相信老年人,所以,稱之為「月下老人」,簡稱「月老」,是道教掌管男女婚姻之神,相傳為媒神。
真情所至,金石為開,Love will find a way:愛情力量真的很强大,可以克服一切困難。Love me, love my dog 表示如果喜歡某人,就一定要同時喜歡他或她的家庭和朋友等:If you love someone, you should accept everything and everyone that the person loves, his or her family and friends.
情場如戰場,All’s fair in love and war: vigorous competition is acceptable in emotionally-charged situations, such as when you are in love or waging war,情場和戰場的競爭是公平的,戀愛和戰爭可以兵不厭詐;運用策略來打擊對手,是無可厚非的,由於情況特殊,一切都情有可原。例如三⻆戀愛其中一位男士用計,使對手在他們共同的愛人面前出醜。他可以理直氣壯的說:All’s fair in love and war. The concept behind the phrase is that some areas of life are so important and overwhelming that you cannot blame someone for acting in their own best interest.
先立業再成家,先有錢再娶妻:When the wolf comes in at the door, love creeps out of the window,其中的 wolf 指貧窮;近似另一句英諺:First thrive and then wive. Don’t marry until you can well afford to do so. 貧賤夫妻百事哀:When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window,當貧窮來到門口,愛情就飛出窗外了;沒有麵包,就沒有愛情。
有人說結婚是戀愛的墳墓。英文諺語中,充斥對 Marriage 不同看法的警句,例如:Marriages are made in heaven 姻緣天定,誰也無法預知自己的未來伴侶會如何。Marry in haste, and repent at leisure 草草結婚後悔多。古時離婚不像現代那麼容易,所以匆忙不加考慮就結婚的人,往往一輩子都後悔自已的選擇。Marriage is a lottery 婚姻靠運氣。
用法方面:It is more common to say “They are getting married next month” than “They are marrying next month”. To marry somebody off: to find a husband or wife for somebody, especially your daughter or son,把女兒出嫁,為兒子娶親。To marry something up with something:將兩人、兩事物或兩部分成功地匹配在一起,to successfully combine two things, people or parts of something。
和富人結婚 to marry a rich man,可以用 to marry money;a gold digger is an attractive woman who uses her looks to get money from men 以色相誘騙男人錢財的女人。To marry into something 因結婚而成為某家庭或群體的一員,to become part of a family or group because you have married somebody who belongs to it,例如:嫁入豪門 to marry into a rich family;躋身貴族 to marry into aristocracy。Marriage of convenience 是基於利害關係而非愛情的權宜婚姻,例如為了金錢或政治等實際需要而結合的婚姻。