古羅馬的哲人 Horace 說:有一千個人,就會有一千種觀點(points of view)。
也有人認為凡事應有其限度,one must draw the line somewhere。
就讓我們漫談 line and point 這兩個最平凡最常用的英文字。
Line as a Track 路線,行列,態度
線條即是 a long mark on the surface,例如:a straight line 直線/a horizontal line 橫線/a diagonal line 斜線,以及 two parallel lines 平行線。路線 line 或軌道 route 一般表示方向 direction。
Line 可以表達態度 attitude,例如政府對某事物採取强硬的態度,the government is taking a firm line on terrorism;你支持政府教育的官方立場,you supported the official line on education。You toe the party line in politics 你緊守黨的政治立場,遵循黨的路綫,you toe the line = you say or do what somebody in authority tells you to say or do 遵守規則,遵循路綫,聽從負責人的吩咐;fall into line 表示同意 in agreement;fall out of line 表示 in disagreement 不同意。
Line 也可以是人或物的行列,例如排隊等候,you stand in the line or wait in the line;所以 all along the line 表示 completely 完全;all the way down the line 自始至終。假如說 he was in line for something 他很有機會得到:He is in line for promotion 他可能得到晉升;例如每年加薪幅度將與通貨膨脹掛鈎,我們可以說 annual pay increases will be in line with inflation; take the line of least resistance 就是採取最省事的方法,to choose the easiest way of doing something 或者採取困難最低、麻煩最少的途徑,adopt a course of action that causes the least difficulty or trouble。至於 walk a fine line 走鋼線,表示你處於險境,如履薄冰。反之 out of line = not suitable,不符合,不一致,說了不該說的話,做了不該做的事;step out of line 便是行為越軌,不守規矩,做不該做的事;if you cross the line 你可能變得令人難以接受,例如採用過激的手法,或反社會的越軌行為。
Line 也可以表示系列 a series,例如按時間順序排列的家系:a male line 父系代代相傳的系列,the next in line to the throne 王位的繼承人。一部小說或電影的系列:this novel is the latest of a long line of the Harry Potters series 這部小說是哈利波特系列最新面世的一本。
Lines as Limits 界限與範圍
Line 可以指界限 a line to draw the limit,劃界綫,以示區分,尤指運動場地的界綫,例如網球員發球時他的腳必須站在底綫的外面,the tennis player’s feet must be behind the line when he serves。賽跑者必須在起跑綫上等待出發,the runners must all be waiting on the starting line。分界綫 division 有時可以是隱性的,但不可踰越:there is a thin line between one thing and another; a fine line 表示你很難辨識兩者好和壞的分野。有時天才和瘋子之間頗難區分:Where do you draw the line between genius and madness?
Lines of Writing
文字或寫作方面,字裏行間的意思,有時比字面更重要:reading between the lines 即是體會言外之意,捕捉弦外之音,領悟隱含的意義,looking for a meaning that is not openly stated, trying to understand the real feeling or meaning from what one actually says;the bottom line 表示底綫,the most important thing you have to consider 要旨;to sign on the dotted line 在正式的官式法律文件上簽字,表示同意。至於最常見的 drop a line = send me a short letter or e-mail,即是給我寫封短信一個電郵。
Point 點
Point 點,英語方面有多層意思:要點 main idea;目的 purpose;觀點 point of view;時間 point of time;方向 point of direction等等。以下分別舉一些常見的例子:
1. main idea = the main point 重點,核心問題;get to the point = say it quickly 儘快說出正題,掌握要點,談到問題的實質,reach the most significant part of a conversation and discussion;to the point = simple and clear 簡明恰當,relevant and pertinent 簡潔中肯。Do you see my point? 你明白我的意思嗎?That’s beside the point,那並不重要 it is not important。
2. purpose 目標 = I don’t see the point of doing it at all 我不明白這樣做有甚麼意義!
3. point of view 看法:I take your point 我贊同你的看法;talking point 便是話題;point taken,我同意你的觀點 I agree with you。
4. point of time = at this point in time 一瞬間,the point of departure 出發點;to the point of doing something 近乎某種地步,達到某種程度 reaching the point of something;癥結所在,可以用 a sticking point,通常指談判或討論不能進行下去的真正關鍵。轉拆點,可以用 turning point, the time when an important change takes place: The promotion to manager marked a turning point in his career; up to a certain point 等於說在某種程度上 to some extent。
5. point of direction 方位點,such as North, South, East and West as the points of the compass; point towards 則是指向,顯示方向或位置,direct attention to or show the position。