Joy and Peace

"Joy to the World" 《普世歡騰》,天主教譯為《普天同慶》,是著名的聖誕頌歌,所要傳達的信息是歡樂和愛(joy and love)。Joy/Pleasure/Delight/Treat 均指令人愉快、高興的事,在英語運用上有什麼分別呢?Peace 和平,不但指國與國 between countries,人與人 between person and person,也可以指一個人本身平和的心境。
“We Wish You a Merry Christmas” 是16世紀英國流行的聖誕頌歌(Christmas carol)。”Joy to the World” 《普世歡騰》,天主教譯為《普天同慶》,也是著名的聖誕頌歌,所要傳達的信息是歡樂和愛(joy and love)。

Joy/Pleasure/Delight/Treat 四詞辨析

以上各詞均指令人愉快、高興的事。A delight or joy is stronger than a pleasure; a person, especially a child, can be a delight or joy, but not a pleasure. Joys are often contrasted with sorrows, but delights are not. Delight 或 joy 語氣較 pleasure 強。令人高興的人,尤其是孩子,可用 delight 或 joy,但不能用 pleasure。Joys 常與 sorrows 形成對比:the joys and sorrows of bringing up a family; delights 無這種對比。
Pleasure 快樂 is the state or feeling of happiness. Pleasure is the opposite of pain. 例句:It’s been a pleasure to talk to you 和你談話很愉快。May I have the pleasure of the next dance 你能賞光跟我跳下一隻舞嗎?She takes pleasure in helping others 她以助人為樂。
Delight is great pleasure or satisfaction 高興;滿意。例句:I read his book with great delight 我非常高興地讀了他寫的書。He takes great delights in reading quietly 他享受安靜地看書之樂。
Treat is something unusual which gives pleasure 難得的快樂。例句:A visit to Disneyland is a real treat for the children 到迪士尼樂園去遊玩,對孩子來說,真是難得的樂事。
Joy 有歡樂、樂事、成功三重意思。
1. 歡樂、高興:A thing of beauty is a joy forever 美麗的事物永遠令人喜悅;full of the joys of spring 非常愉快;歡喜若狂可以 jump for joy/leap for joy/weep for joy/burst with joy。
2. 樂事、樂趣:Someone’s pride and joy 引以為榮的人或事:Her garden is her pride and joy. The new Volvo is a joy to drive. One of the joys of travelling is to be alone.
3. 成功,常用於問句或否定句:Joy with the meaning of success in doing what you are trying to do is only used in questions or negatives. You get no joy means you fail to obtain what you are seeking 未能得到希望得到的:You could ask the airport office to trace your lost luggage, but I doubt you’ll get any joy 你找回失物的成功機會不大。


另一方面,口頭語中,Joy 也可以指 getting a baby 嬰孩出生,天降麟兒;例如:bundle of joy and bundle from heaven: The couple are expecting a bundle of joy next September.
Peace 最常見的字義,當然是 world peace 世界和平,聯成的詞語,亦多以此義有關,例如:peacekeeping 維護和平的,執行停火協議的 peacekeeping force;peace troops 是維和部隊;peacemaker 調停人、仲裁人、和事佬;peace talks/negotiations 和平談判;peacetime 和平時期;peace march/protest/demonstration 反戰示威遊行等。


If you want peace, you must prepare for war 欲求和平,先準備戰爭;先壯大自已,足以應付侵略,才能減少被侵略的可能性。這句諺語,出自1790年1月8日美國總統華盛頓對國會的演講:to be prepared for war is the most effectual means of preserving peace 準備戰爭,是保持和平的最有效方法。
Peace 和平,不單指國與國 between countries,人與人 between person and person,也可以指一個人本身平和的心境:peace of mind, a person’s contentedness and freedom from worry 平和、寧靜、安寧;peace and quiet 表示安靜、沉默,calm silence:All I want is some peace and quiet。You felt at peace with the world 你感覺與世無爭,悠然自得 carefree and content。He felt really at peace with himself 他處於平靜狀態,心裏真正感到安寧,calm, satisfied and no longer worried about anything。


Peace 也是 dead 去世的委婉說法(euphemism):It was a long illness, but the patient is at peace now. At last, Uncle Peter is at peace. To rest in peace is to lie dead peacefully for eternity 長眠:The bodies of the soldiers will rest in peace. RIP(rest in peace)安息 are words said during a funeral service for someone who has died or written on a gravestone.
最後,一句幽默的俏皮話:there’s no peace for the wicked 說話人指自己生來勞碌命,一刻不得閒;即是抱怨工作太多,this humorous phrase is used when somebody is complaining that they have a lot of work to do。當別人要我們做一件認為很不愉快的事,可用這句諺語半開玩笑地回答。例如:一位太太吩咐她的丈夫出門買些煮食用的生油,先生只好放低看得入神、正進入高潮的偵探小說,回答一句:There’s is no peace for the wicked.
