Hot and Warm

Hot 經常和憤怒扯上關係,有 angry 的聯想,someone who has a hot temper becomes angry very easily。Warm 就比 hot 舒服,給人暖和的,温暖的感覺,你想表達令人感到快樂和滿足的感覺,不妨用 to warm the cockles of someone's heart。
英語 hot 的涵義,有多重意思,用法和搭配,視乎不同情況而異:
1. Hot 熱的,主要指高温度 high in temperature,其用法最普遍;very hot = stifling/sweltering/unbearably hot 天氣酷熱 令人渾身不舒服;boiling/scalding/steaming hot 液體熱得燙手;piping hot food 是熱騰騰的食物;熾熱的金屬可以說 red hot 或 white hot。
2. 辣的,主要指辛辣的食物,spicy, pungent, peppery food, such as a hot Indian curry。
3. 強烈的 = causing strong feelings,多用於強烈的感情,meaning similar to intense, passionate, fervent:血氣方剛,容易激動,hot-blooded;引起爭論的議題 hot issue, hot topic,熱點話題 a hot button。
4. 流行、時髦、走紅、熱門的,意思類同於 very popular, fashionable, in vogue, in demand;最熱門的人選是 hot favourite,賽馬的內部消息是 hot tips,炙手可熱的明星是 hottest properties,人人都想先睹為快的表演節目是 hot ticket。
5. 最新的,new, latest, up to date,倒如 the hot news of a Royal Baby Boy,剛剛出爐的新聞報道 hot off the press,熱辣辣的八卦新聞 latest hot gossip。
Hot 經常和憤怒扯上關係,有 angry 的聯想,someone who has a hot temper becomes angry very easily;hot 也跟 sexual excitement 有關:I’ve got a hot date tonight 我今晚有一個令人激動的約會。hot 這個字,其他生動的流行說法, 多姿多釆:hot bed 温床,hot time 難受的時刻,hot line 熱綫,hot stuff 了不起的人,hot-headed 魯莽的,hot air 夸夸其談的大話,hot potato 棘手的問題,至於 in the hot seat,可以指困境,難負的責任,容易惹麻煩的職位。
Hot 的慣用語:blow hot and cold 冷熱無常;對人對事忽喜忽厭; too hot to handle 某人或某事令你覺得很難懂,難應付,something too difficult to deal with;to sell like hot cakes 熱賣,非常受到顧客歡迎,銷售得很快,if things are going like hot cakes, people are buying a lot of them very fast;the heat is on 感覺到有壓力。
Warm 就比 hot 舒服,給人暖和的,温暖的感覺,warm means slightly hot, especially in a pleasant way: The house is lovely and warm. If you are warm, your body is at a comfortable temperature. Warm is just mild, temperate, agreeable and moderately hot. 你想表達令人感到快樂和滿足的感覺,不妨用 to warm the cockles of someone’s heart。

Heat Up/Warm Up 

Heat up 變熱,變暖:
1. to get hot or to become warmer, similar to warm up: the stove takes a while to heat up,例如把飯菜放進微波爐熱一熱:to heat up the dish in a microwave;
2. to grow more animated or combative, similar to hot up,競爭變得白熱化,情況可能出現問題或變得危險:Their argument was heating up, and I was afraid there would be fighting; the situation heats up, it becomes dangerous or full of problems.
Warm up 的用法,比較 heat up 廣泛一些:
1. 加熱 to become warm or warmer,搭配 food, liquid, house, room;e.g. it takes time to warm up a big house in winter;
2. 暖機 to reach the point where the machine can function properly,搭配 engine, motor, car;e.g. let the engine warm up;
3. 熱身 to take exercises to loosen one’s muscles before a game,搭配 athlete, sportsman, footballer;e.g. the runners are having a warm-up before the race;
4. 引起興趣 to make more lively and interested,搭配 audience, spectator, contest, game, party, celebration;the comedian told a few quick jokes to get his audience warmed up。
Heat 的慣用語:運動員同時到達終點的比賽,可以用 in a dead heat,是 finishing a race at exactly the same time 的意思。你一時激動之下,未有考慮過後果的行動或衝口而出的說話 = in the heat of the moment。你對某人或某情境,施加壓力,達到想要的目的,即是 turn up the heat = to force someone to do something, to make a situation more serious by trying harder。


最後,假如你怕困難或受不住壓力,不如撒手不幹,if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen。1952年美國總統杜魯門,宣佈不再競選時,用過這句成語之後,一直很受歡迎,流傳很廣。If the pressures of some situation are too much for you, you should leave that situation.
