金與銀,同樣是金屬,待遇的差別有時會很大。奧運會金牌得主出盡風頭,銀牌健兒的成就,住往被傳媒冷落,很不公平。上屆冬季奧運會,加拿大華裔選手陳偉群獲得男子單人花樣滑冰比賽亞軍,無緣金牌,只得銀牌。網上竟然出現這段文字:Patrick Chan had the gold on a silver platter. He chose the platter。
On a silver platter
Gold on a silver platter 形象上是將金子恰當地放在銀盤上,以示隆重。這個成語多用於各個動詞之後,例如:give something to someone on a silver platter;present it on a sliver platter;serve it on a sliver platter;want it on a silver platter。例句:Aren’t paper plates good enough for you? You want dinner on a silver platter? The rich kids expect to have it all handed to them on a silver platter 這些富家子弟指望一切都有人拱手送上,無須努力。
Gold 和 golden 配詞和用法都不同:gold-plated 是鍍金的;gold rush 是淘金熱;gold digger 指以色相騙取男人錢財的年輕女人;gold mine 則是大財源,very profitable business。Golden boy 形容有成就的男子:Hollywood’s golden boy 好萊塢的金牌男明星;golden opportunity is a very favourable chance 良機;golden rule is the basic principle which should always be adhered to 金科玉律;golden oldies are song recording, films, or other entertainment items that were once very popular and are still well known and admired,例如披頭四的流行金曲、歷久不衰的經典電影。
西方商業市場,流行的幾個說法,均是資本主義社會的創新詞語:golden handshake 常指金額大筆的提前退職金或解僱費;golden parachute 指聘約時,規定員工如被解職,即可獲得大筆補償金優厚條款的金降落傘;golden handcuffs 誘人安於現職不覓高就的一大筆津貼或其他福利,離職時才可兌現的「金手銬」。
配上 silver 較新的流行詞語,也有兩個例子:silver surfer 銀髮網民 is an old person who spends a lot of time using the Internet,指經常上互聯網的老年人。而 silver bullet 銀色子彈 is a highly accurate projectile of death or destruction,相當於殺傷力大而準的萬靈丹。Now, it is widely used to mean a specific, fail-safe solution to a problem,即靈丹妙药。
Gold 的習用語:As good as gold means very good, usually used to describe children. If a child is as good as gold, he is very well behaved,小孩子規規矩矩的,很聽話:The children were as good as gold today 孩子們一整天都很乖。
If you strike gold,你找到了可以帶來財富或成功的門,踏上了成功或財富之路:The author struck gold with his latest novel。體育記者也很喜歡用 strike gold,meaning to win a gold medal in a sports competition:Patrick Chan was widely expected to strike gold in the Olympic figure skating competition, but he only got a silver。
All that glitters is not gold 閃閃發光的未必都是金子:人不可貌相,中看未必中用,appearances are deceptive;流金其外者,本質未必盡美好。If you have a heart of gold 你有一顆金子般的心,表示心腸很好,you are generous, sincere, and friendly。有朝一日,希望可以得一大筆金錢,可以用 pot of gold 來形容:a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,通常指不大可能得到的大筆獎賞或報償。
Silver 的習用語:Cross someone’s palm with silver = pay somebody in advance for services,就享受服務或詢問等,預先付費。如果你預先付費給停車場管理員,他總會給你安排個車位,即使停車場已掛上牌告知顧客車子已停滿:If you cross his palm with silver, the car park attendant can always find you a place, even when the sign says full up。
Every cloud has a silver lining 黑暗中總有一綫光明,where there is life there is hope 否極泰來。烏雲背後是銀邊,相近於漢語:留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。例句:I’m sorry your business is going badly, but don’t despair. Every cloud has a silver lining.
Golden idioms 比 Gold idioms 更豐富生動:
The golden age was never the present age 人往往身在福中不知福:現在絕非黃金時代,好日子絕不在今天。即使生活在繁榮的時代,人們仍然渴望更好的生活,而不知道那將是後人所稱頌的黄金時代。Golden days were the pleasant and prosperous time in the past: the golden days of Hong Kong cinema were in the 1980s 香港電影的黃金歲月是上世紀八十年代。
A golden key opens every door,相等於 Money talks,有錢萬事通,有錢使得鬼推磨。Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs 勿殺雞取卵;勿殺生金蛋的鵝。不要貪得無厭,既貪心,又沒有耐性。
Speech is silver, silence is golden
最後的忠告:有時無聲勝有聲,speech is silver, silence is golden: there is a time to speak and a time to be silent; sometimes to keep quiet is a great virtue。說話、沉默,各有其時。所謂:he cannot speak well that cannot hold his tongue 不能保持緘默者,說話不得體;silence is golden 沉默是金。