Types of Movies
電影最常見的類型片(genre),主要有:action movie 動作片,horror movie 恐怖片,science fiction movie 科幻片,thriller 懸疑片,adventure 探險片,drama 劇情片,comedy 喜劇,romance 浪漫片,animation 動畫片/卡通片,documentary 紀錄片。
Film Glossary
談論電影,最常用到的詞語,不外乎:blockbuster 耗巨資拍攝的大片,sleeper 出人意外地成功的冷門電影,director 導演,producer 監製,leading role主⻆,supporting role 配⻆,plot 情節,script 劇本,line 台詞,editing 剪接,special effects 特技,movie set 電影拍攝現場,stuntman 特技替身演員等。
Film Review
Positive views:值得向朋友推薦(highly recommended)的好片,if you want to write some glowing reviews,可以參考影評人(film critics)以下相當普遍的寫法:a bold experiment 大膽創新的嘗試;startling originality 驚人的創意;action-packed, with gripping suspense building up 情節緊湊,引人入勝;very accomplished acting 演技精湛;consummate professional actors 演員才藝出眾;a star-studded cast 演員陣容强勁;a dazzling display of talents 超卓演出,令人目眩。電影非常賣座,playing to full houses,可以用票房的成績輝煌(a spectacularly successful box-office hit)來形容。電影藝術各方面的成績特別出色,足以提名奧斯卡金像獎:their achievements are worthy of being nominated for an Oscar award。
Negative views:負面的批評,可以指出電影不足的原因,例如:劇情鬆散,未能抓着觀眾的注意力,it has a weak plot, it didn’t hold the audience’s attention;或者,the film cannot make a lasting impression on me, fire my imagination, awaken my interest;特技效果令人失望,the special effects are very disappointing indeed;太多暴力鏡頭,髒話粗鄙,兒童不宜,the film contains some very violent scenes, has too much bad language and is unsuitable for children。整體來說,乏善可陳,the overall result is a dismal failure。
有人說過這句趣話:Why should people go out and pay to see bad movies when they can stay at home and see bad television for nothing?(Sam Goldwyn)
You see, view, watch a movie in a cinema, but you watch television at home.
你要特別留意:”the television” refers to the television set 電視機,while “television” refers to programme 電視節目。
There’s an interesting programme on television tonight 今晚的電視節目很好看。
The whole family members have the television on all the time 一家人整天開着電視機。
Couch potatoes are persons who spend a lot of time sitting and watching television 電視迷老泡在電視機前面。
電視非常口語化(informal)的說法是:TV, telly, the box(英式), the tube(美式)。
Television Programmes
最常見電視節目的類別有:news 新聞節目,soap opera 肥皂劇,sitcom 處境喜劇,drama series 電視劇集,detective series 偵探片集,documentary 紀錄片,game show 遊戲節目,talk show(AmE)= chat show(BrE)聊天節目,made-for-TV movie 專為電視拍攝的電影,cartoon 卡通片,reality TV 真人秀。
Television Broadcasts
電視播送的不同類別有:terrestrial 地面電視,cable 有線電視,satellite 衛星電視,digital 數碼廣播,closed-circuit television 閉路電視。
Television Glossary
有關電視的常用詞匯表:broadcast 播出節目,rerun 節目重播,line up 節目安排,television producer 節目監製,presenter 節目主持人,a pre-recorded programme 預錄節目,a live programme 現場直播,highlights of the current events of the week 一周時事的集錦或精華。
channel 頻道,pay channel 收費電視頻道,pay-per-view 按次付費的服務,webcast 網絡播放,a TV programme shown on the Internet,channel surfing = channel hopping 跳頻:為觀看到好節目而頻繁地變換電視頻道。
widescreen television 寬屏幕電視機,plasma screen television 等離子屏幕電視機,liquid crystal display television = LCD-TV 液晶顯示電視機,都是最新比較流行的電視機種。