Clothing, Garment, Dress, Wear, Gear, Costume 都是衣服的近義詞,用法和語境稍有出入:All these are words for the things you wear, such as shirts, jackets, dresses and trousers but they are used in different contexts。
Clothes or Clothing?
首先 Clothes 指身上所穿的衣服,由各個部份組成;Clothing 是衣物的總稱:Clothes are the things you wear. Clothing refer to a particular type of clothes:summer clothing 夏季服裝;a clothing manufacturer 成衣製造商。There is no singular form of clothes or clothing:我們只說 a piece/an item/an article of clothing。
Garment 只用於正式場合或文學語境:it should only be used in formal or literary contexts。
我們習慣說 garment industry;而 a garment is a piece of clothing 一件衣服。
Dress 多指某種式樣或正式場合穿着的外衣:a dress is worn in a particular style or for a particular occasion。例如星期五上班族穿得比較隨便的便服 casual dress on Fridays。
Wear 常用於商店售買不同對象和類型的衣服,例如童裝部 the children’s wear department;便服/晚裝 casual/evening wear。
Gear 指服裝,比較 informal,例如 the latest gear 便等於最新款的衣服 fashionable clothes。
Costume 指一定地區、時間或團體中的人所穿着而又有特點的衣服,例如:national costume of Bavaria 德國巴伐利亞人的民族服裝;Elizabethan costume 伊麗莎白時代的服裝;表演時或舞台上演員的服飾,我們也習慣用 costume。
Coat or Jacket?
Coat 是個籠統的字,指我們穿在最外層的衣服,通常是為外出而設計的,例如 overcoat 長大衣、raincoat 雨衣、trench coat 風衣。Jacket 多指一般室內、室外都可穿的有袖子的外套,例如 leather jacket 皮夾克、sports jacket 運動衫、shooting jacket 獵裝、dinner jacket 晚禮服等。
Any piece of clothing worn on the top part of the body can be called a top 上衣,而全套服装稱為 outfit,校服或制服則叫 uniform。
Trousers or Pants?
trousers/pants 褲子
jumper/sweater 針織套衫
braces /suspenders 吊襪帶
waistcoat/vest 西服背心
vest/undershirt 汗衫
knickers/panties 女用內褲
tights/pantyhose 褲襪
anorak/parka 風雪外套
nightdress/nightgown 女式睡衣
trainer/sneaker 運動鞋
dinner jacket/tuxedo 男用晚禮服。
莎士比亞說過:千萬不要華麗而低俗,因為衣着往往可以反映出一個人的修養:Spend all you can afford on clothes, but make sure they’re quality, not flashy, since clothes make the man …(Hamlet)
時裝講究款式和潮流:A fashion is a style of clothing that is popular in a particular time。穿著入時的人物,文字傳媒流行叫做 fashionista。 盲目趕時髦的人,時尚的受害者稱為 a fashion victim。Clothes horse 是幽默而帶貶義的叫法,表示只懂追求時尚,過份講究衣着的人:you mean that one is fashionable but has little intelligence or other abilities。
日常生活中,涉及 Fashion 的習用語倒也不少:
going out of fashion 不再流行:it is not popular anymore,而 coming back into fashion 再度流行:it is becoming popular again。
fashion conscious 講究時髦:very concerned about wearing the latest fashion。
parrot fashion:很多中國學生應付托福或雅思等考試,喜歡生吞活剝地背誦生字、死記新詞,屬於這一類 learning by parrot fashion 的學習方法。
after a fashion 在業餘,不專業的情况下完成某件事:something was done but not very well。
Pants 和 Shirts 的習用語:
smarty pants 自作聰明,好逞能的人。
have ants in your pants 焦燥不安,坐立不安。
by the seat of your pants 憑經驗或直覺。
to scare the pants off someone 嚇得人魂不附體。
catch somebody with their pants down 乘人措手不及,使他䧟入窘境。
lose your shirt 喪失全部財產,丟失大量金錢。
a stuffed shirt 妄自尊大,道貌岸然的人。
Keep your shirt on! 別生氣,保持冷靜,例句:Keep your shirt on! It is only a joke! 別生氣,開個玩笑而已。