Anger and Annoyance

Anger(憤怒)是一種情緒反應,通常是指受到冒犯以及錯誤的對待時,引起的自我防衛機制及强烈反應。Annoyance 是比憤怒輕微的煩惱,令人生氣的情緒狀態。Annoyance 的近義詞是 Irritation,令人煩惱、造成麻煩的事物。


Anger(憤怒) 是一種情緒反應,通常是指受到冒犯以及錯誤的對待時,引起的自我防衛機制及强烈反應。Anger is an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage.
Anger can be caused by both external and internal events. 引起憤怒的原因很多,例如當你關心的人或事物受到攻擊,大家相信的價值觀不斷地被冒犯,急迫而且重要的需求被拒絕、被壓制,you get mad at someone,或者,你的生命安全面臨危險,為了求生而反擊,都可能產生憤怒的情緒反應。我們也可能因同情弱者的不公平處境,產生保護對方的意念,義憤填膺,對違反正義的事情産生憤怒:to feel indignant at injustice;或者不斷被迫做自己非常厭惡的事,而對該為此負責的人產生不滿的反應:to be filled with annoyance。
Rage 和 fury 都有大怒和狂怒的意思:Don’t get in a rage; calm down. He attacked her in fury. Both rage and fury may result in violent behaviour, but fury is usually a more controlled feeling than rage. Rage may be hot or cold, red or white: His face was red/white with rage. Fury is only cold and white.


Annoyance is the feeling of being slightly angry,是比憤怒輕微的煩惱,令人生氣的情緒狀態:It really annoys me when people forget to say thank you.
Annoyance 的近義詞是 Irritation。令人煩惱、造成麻煩的事物,可以用 irritant, something that makes you annoyed or causes trouble。When you are irritable, you are getting annoyed easily or when you are showing your anger. When you are being annoyed or when you are bored or irritated, you can say: I’m sick and tired of it. 你也可以向對方這樣說:you are really trying my patience; that’s really annoying; that’s really irritating; that’s getting on my nerves; that’s making me crazy!
根據現代心理學和生理學的解釋:憤怒是一種情緒反應,通常是指受到冒犯以及錯誤的對待時引起的自我防衛機制及戰鬥反應。 憤怒可能增加心率、 血壓、 和腎上腺素和去甲腎上腺素水準等物理相關因素。
從前西洋人相信我們憤怒和不滿的情緒由血液輸放,所以 bad blood 指積怨或芥蒂,中世紀時,更有人相信:某些情感可以改變人體血液的温度:make your blood boil 表達令你非常憤怒。英語中,以血液、毛髮、舌頭以及其他器官和動物身體部分扯上關係的成語,不勝枚舉。

Anger and Annoyance Idioms

憤怒與煩惱的習用語特別多,例如:bay for blood 你要求懲罰或處分某人, 因他曾經做過令你反感的事;a chip on your shoulder 你過去受到不公平對待, 因委屈而滋生的憤怒和反感;you blow off your steam 你對某事非常憤怒, 發泄鬱悶的感情;you ruffle someone’s feathers 你說某些話或做某些事, 令到別人煩惱或生氣;get in your hair 令你煩惱, 滋擾你;get the hump 因為某事煩躁不安;tear someone limb from limb 威脅要對付某人, 想把他肢解;foam at the mouth 憤怒地講話;get under your skin 令你煩惱;a thorn in your flesh 讓你傷透腦筋的事或人, 像肉中剌。
雖然許多哲學家與作家建議我們要抑制自發性與不可控制的憤怒情緒,但是現代心理學家卻認為抑制憤怒反而會妨礙解決問題:Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion。情緒失控始終誤事:When anger gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems—problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life。所以,適當地處理情緒很重要。
Anger management 憤怒管理,是指如何去控制和管理自己的憤怒情緒。人們的生活並不總是盡如人意,總會有些讓人挫敗甚至想要爆發的瞬間。但每個人都不想讓自己的憤怒闖出大禍,所以憤怒需要管理,讓自己的憤怒控制在合理的程度,以免產生不可預料的後果。The goal of anger management is to reduce both your emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes. You cannot get rid of, or avoid, the things or the people that enrage you, nor can you change them. You can learn to control your reactions.
