Heads or tail? 正面或反面?是丟擲錢幋或打賭時的用語:Which side of a coin will show the face of a person after it has been tossed?
假如你說:Heads I win, tails you lose,等於:Whatever the outcome, it will be to my advantage,反正我都要贏。
例句:I shouldn’t agree to those conditions: it’s case of “heads I win, tails you lose”,我不會同意那些條件,那等於「反正我都要贏」。
思想方面:Head as Thought and Mind
Head is used in idioms to mean the place where ideas and thoughts are produced; use one’s head means use one’s intelligence and common sense; a good head for figures is good at counting:
over one’s head 過於複雜,超越我們的理解力,too difficult or complicated for someone to understand;
have a good head over one’s shoulders 聰明,有見識,clever and sensible;
two heads are better than one 三個臭皮匠,賽過諸葛亮;集思勝於獨斷,兩人智慧勝過一人,two people co-operating have a better chance of solving a problem than one person by himself;
put your heads together 集思廣益,work together as a group to solve a problem and to work out ideas;
have your head in the clouds 想入非非,有不切實際的想法,you have plans and ideas that are not realistic。
情感方面:Head Relating to Emotions and Feelings
Head is also used in a number of idioms that relates to emotions and staying calm and in control:
keep your head 保持鎮靜,keep a cool and level head, remain calm especially in a difficult or dangerous situation;
you lose your head means you lose control or panic and act in a confused way;
out of your head 精神錯亂的,very foolish, crazy, mad;
head over heels 完全地,全部地,completely and totally;fall head over heels in love 形容忽然深深愛上某人,為某人神魂顛倒。
talk one’s head off 說個不停,嘮叨得使人感到厭煩,talk so much that makes others bored;
put one’s head on the block 冒損失名譽職位等風險,to risk losing your job, damaging your reputation by doing or saying something;
banging one’s head against a brick wall 白費力氣,枉費心機,asking you to do something which you won’t do。
肩膀:Shoulders Support or Carry Things
You cry on somebody’s shoulder 表示你向某人傾訴煩惱和苦楚,尋求安慰或同情,you get sympathy from someone when you tell them your problems;
a shoulder to lean on 可以給你倚靠或感情支援的人;
You rub shoulders with the rich and famous 你與知名或有力的人士有來往,you come into social contact with those of a different class or lifestyle,也可以說 you rub elbows with someone:As a reporter he gets to rub shoulders with all the big names in politics;
You put your shoulder to the wheel 你開始艱鉅的工作,you start some hard work with great effort and determination。
作為動詞,as a verb, shoulder 肩負、承擔責任 means to accept a difficult or unpleasant responsibility, duty。We say shoulder the responsibility/blame/burden/cost, etc. 承擔過錯、責任、成本等等。
Movements of the Shoulders
Shoulders move up = shrug 聳肩,表示不知道或不在乎;
shoulders move up and down = heave or shake 雙肩抖動;
you look or glance over your shoulder 扭頭朝後望:If you are looking over your shoulder, you feel worried that something unpleasant is going to happen to you 惴惴不安。
shrug one’s shoulder 不作決定、缺乏興趣,display indecision and lack of interest;
have broad shoulders 有能力及願意承擔更多的責任,able and willing to accept much responsibility;
give someone a cold shoulder 怠慢,冷落某人,ignore someone, treat him in cold, unfriendly manner;
a chip on one’s shoulder 喜歡向人挑戰,好勇鬥狠,easily become offended or angry because you think you have been treated unfairly in the past;
head and shoulders above the rest 出類拔萃;比起同類的人,優越很多,superior in skill, ability or intelligence and very much better than other people;
come straight from the shoulder 表示直截了當地,因為在拳擊比賽,直拳從肩膀打出,又直又大力,必須手臂筆直,才能施展最大勁力。
最後,幼者難具長者智:You cannot put old heads on young shoulders.