“All the fun is in how you say a thing.” 美國大詩人 Robert Frost 說得很對,英語充滿機智幽默,假如說得有趣,自會樂在其中。Funny ha-ha 是滑稽可笑(amusing),Funny peculiar 是稀奇古怪(strange),不容混淆。
Some Common Expressions of Fun
Have fun 盡情玩吧!In fun 開玩笑,as a joke to amuse somebody:I didn’t mean to upset you. It was just said in fun and without serious or harmful intention;for fun 為了好玩(for pleasure):He is learning French for fun;fun and games 嬉戲:activities that are not serious and that other people may disapprove of,例如:School isn’t all fun and games 學校是一本正經的學習地方,不是胡鬧的場所;a sense of fun 幽默感:You have to have a sense of fun to be a good teacher 好老師要有幽默感。
Some Common Expressions of a Joke
Meant as a joke 說着玩:Come on. Don’t be too serious. What I said is meant as a joke;play a joke on you 跟你開玩笑;但有些人不開得起玩笑,they can’t take a joke。有時,the joke goes too far,開玩笑,玩得過火。It got beyond a joke:it’s no longer a laughing matter,笑話超過了開玩笑的範圍、令人惱火或無法接受。A broken leg is no laughing matter;this is something too serious to make jokes about,你不可以將自已的快樂,建築在別人痛苦之上。
Play a practical joke 的意思,相等於 make fun of somebody/something,取笑;嘲笑;開玩笑:She wears such strange hats! 你取笑她帶的帽子非常古怪!
A practical joke 惡作劇。愚人節是典型惡作劇的日子:April Fools’ Day is the classic occasion for playing practical jokes on your family and colleagues。
Joker 指愛開玩笑的人,喜歡捉弄人的詼諧者;a practical joker is a person who likes to make jokes。
Humorous 有幽默感的,funny and enjoyable;showing a sense of humour;指引人發笑的成功嘗試,例如:a humorous fellow,一個幽默的傢伙。”Soft words are hard arguments”,一句幽默的雋語。
Witty 妙趣橫生的、機智巧妙的,clever and amusing,指聰明的幽默,例如:a witty remark 是機智的話;a witty parody of television commercials 便是對電視廣告節目的巧妙模仿。
Comic 滑稽而使人發笑的,that makes you laugh。Comic 多用於指作品、戲劇、事物等故意營造戲劇性的喜劇效果,例如:a comic performance:北方流行的滑稽相聲,南方的棟篤笑,西方的 stand-up comedy 獨角喜劇,有時甚至帶有刻薄的諷刺(biting satire)。
You’re pulling my leg = You are teasing me and telling me something which is not true 捉弄人;和某某開玩笑。
She said it tongue in cheek = She was not being serious and she was saying it as a joke 半開玩笑地。
I laughed my head off = I laughed loudly and for a long time 大笑不止。
They had a good laugh about it = They found something very funny and amusing 覺得可笑、有趣。
We were in stitches = We are laughing a lot and helplessly 笑破肚皮。
Humour(幽默)is the quality in something that makes it funny or amusing.
英語中,humorous idioms 幽默慣用語俯拾即是,下面是最常見的一些例子:
as clear as mud = very hard to understand 說的話很難懂、一點也不清楚。
the kiss of death = an action or situation that will bring bad luck or spoil an activity 表面有利,實則有害的事物,an event that seems good, but is certain to make something fail 死亡之吻。
a call of nature = a need to go to the toilet 生理需要,指人有三急,要上廁所。
famous last words = this idiom is used when you think somebody is being too confident about something that is going to happen 表示某人盲目樂觀,例如他自吹自擂:「一切都在掌握之中」,你知道他明明「淨吹牛」。
fell off the back of a lorry = the goods are probably stolen 貨物來路不明,可能是賊贓。
the lights are on but no one’s home = stupid, someone is not thinking clearly or not paying attention 糊里糊塗、沒頭腦、心不在焉。
for reasons best known to himself = you don’t know or understand why he has done something 原因,只有他自己才知道!
What planet is she on? = Her ideas are not realistic or practical 某人像外星人,她的想法,完全不切實際。