Tue Jan 21 2025 20:54:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

九華徑歷史曾氏祖屋 黃永玉故居 Former Home of Artist Huang Yong-yu at Kau Wa Keng Historic Tsang Residence


位於九華徑舊村22號的曾氏祖屋,1934 至 1937 年間建成,1940 年代終至 1950 年代初,曾有多位左翼知識份子和藝術家,如王任叔、樓適夷及國畫大師黃永玉等居住於此。當時沒有自來水,屋旁有大石板水井。1990年代荒廢至今,2010年評為三級歷史建築。




The Tsang Residence at No. 22, Kau Wa Keng Old Village was built between 1934 and 1937. During 1940s to 1950s, it was home to many left-wing intellectuals and artists, such as Wang Ren-shu, Lou Shi-yi and prominent Chinese painter Huang Yong-yu. There was no water supply at the time and residents drew water from a large slate well next to the house. It has been abandoned since the 1990s and was rated as a Grade III historic building in 2010.

Kau Wa Keng was originally called the “Dog Climbing Path” as it was located in the hills with extremely steep paths. Villagers went home like puppies climbing the hills. The old village has a history of over 300 years. It can be traced back to the native inhabitant village of the New Territories after the revocation of the inland migration order by Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty.

The village was built in the countryside in the hills and visitors will feel a sense of going back in time when visiting. Walking along winding paths into the village, one can spot elegant buildings from the 1920s and 1930s occasionally. Most of the squatter village designs retain the appearance of the old days. There is also a chic bridge with gurgling water. A rare and tranquil beauty in the city.

12 projects in Kau Wa Keng, including Yeung Ching Family School and ancestral halls of 3 clans are rare buildings in Hong Kong with a history of over a century of combined Chinese and Western designs. They have just been rated as Grade III historic buildings.

楊必興 P H Yang