Fire and Light

野火燒不盡,春風吹又生:spread like wild fire,謠言往往像野火般迅速傳播,things such as rumour and gossip spread very rapidly。赴湯蹈火,在所不辭:go through fire and water, you are willing to face any danger and endure hardships: Peter told his sweetheart he loved her so much that he was willing to go through fire and water for her.
A fire destroyed a church built in traditional Ukrainian fashion outside Toronto,報章用的標題是 “Church Ablaze”: Within minutes the whole church was ablaze,整間教堂很快就熊熊燃燒起來。Ablaze 有猛烈燃燒的意思,burning quickly and strongly。
火與燃燒的字眼,可以有:burn, flame, blaze, flare 不等。動詞有:set fire to, kindle, ignite。Set fire to 縱火,make it start burning;a fire breaks out 發生火災,a fire starts suddenly。
煙和火分不開:there is no smoke without fire,無風不起浪,無火不起烟,謠言很少空穴來風,rumour is usually based, however remotely, on fact。事出必有因:口傳的謠言雖經人加油添醋,往往有事實的根據,if something bad is being said about somebody, it usually has some truth in it: Where there is smoke, there is fire。
火有不同的種類,最需要避免的是戰火:baptism of fire 這句成語原初指殉道者被火燒死,法國皇帝拿破崙和拿破崙三世指:某人第一次上戰場的經驗,後來多用來表示初次經歷的洗禮,或者在新的環境,初次感到難堪和不愉快的滋味:an unpleasant first experience of something。英文成語的 fire,經常來自槍火,gun fire:play with fire 玩火,take extreme and unnecessary risk 冒險做不必要的危險事,you do something that could have a very dangerous or harmful result;fight fire with fire 你用相同方法及同等力量,和你的勁敵開戰,you use the same methods as your opponents in an argument。
野火燒不盡,春風吹又生:spread like wild fire,謠言往往像野火般迅速傳播,things such as rumour and gossip spread very rapidly。赴湯蹈火,在所不辭:go through fire and water, you are willing to face any danger and endure hardships: Peter told his sweetheart he loved her so much that he was willing to go through fire and water for her. 勿操之過急, 不要同時做太多的事:do not have too many irons in the fire 不要把太多的鐵放到火爐裏。一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩:a burnt child dreads the fire 灼傷過的小孩怕火,相似的諺語是:once bitten, twice shy 上一次當,學一次乖;每況愈下:jump out of the frying pan into the fire, you move from one difficulty to an even worse one,跳出油鍋又跌落火坑,你想逃脫小災難,反遭大災難,處境弄得更糟。


先列出 lilght 的同義詞:ray 光線,beam 光束,glow 火輝,gleam 亮光,glimmer 微光,lustre 光澤,shimmer 閃光,flash 閃爍,shine 光彩,burst 迸發的光芒,dazzle 眩目的強光。可見光有强度,質量及類別。強光:strong/bright light, blinding/dazzling light, cold/harsh light;微弱的光:poor/dim/fading light, soft/warm light。
Light 作動詞用,同義詞有:shine, shimmer, gleam, glimmer, flash, glow, beam, dazzle。而近義詞 illuminate 可作照明或照亮解,to give light to: God illuminates my soul 上帝啓廸我的靈魂;the illumination is too weak to show the details of the painting 燈光太微弱,看不清楚圖畫的細節。另一個詞 radiate 發射光和熱 = to give off light and heat:The sun radiates light and heat 太陽發出光和熱;She radiates happiness 她喜形於色;radiate 也有輻射或放射的意思。Light up is to give light to; make or become bright with light or colour:華燈初上,街道通明,the streets lit up when the lamps were turned on;太陽下山後,就該點燈了,when the sun sets, it’s time to light up;一見他來,她就笑逐顏開,her face lit up when she saw he was coming。
LIght 有很多生動用語:come to light/bring something to light 發現,暴露,變得眾所周知;in the light of something,考慮到,available information;shed light on 解釋,說明白,explain, make clear 使問題較容易理解;in a good, favourable light 從好、從有利的⻆度看事物;see the light 終於領悟,終於明白,最後接受;see the light of day 開始為人所知,發現事物的優點;the light dawned on me 豁然開朗,恍然大悟;see the light at the end of the tunnel 曙光在望,看到某事的最終結果,經過一段艱難或不愉快的景況,終於見到希望。最壞的情況可能結束,快要熬出頭了! 
最後,一句出自聖經的諺語:hide not your light under a bushel 勿過份謙虛,隱藏才能,不要把你的光藏在容器下。This idiomatic expression comes from the Sermon on the Mount in the Bible,耶穌訓示門徒說:你們是世界的光。建在山上的城市不會被隱藏。人點燃蠟燭,不是要放在容器下,而要放在燭台上,好讓它的光照亮全家。讓你們的光普照天下,讓世人看見你們的善行。Hide your light under a bushel 不露鋒芒,to be secret about one’s good abilities,不顯露自已的才能。For a long time we did not know that Mary had a wonderful singing voice; she was hiding her light under a bushel. A bushel(容器)is a vessel used for measuring corn in the past.
