由政治學家、澳門通訊社時事評論員盧兆興著作的英文書Casino Capitalism, Society and Politics in China’s Macau(暫譯《中國澳門的賭場資本主義、社會及政治》),在澳門基金會舉辦的第六屆「澳門人文社會科學研究優秀成果評獎」榮獲一等獎。
該書於 2020 年首次出版,闡述澳門賭場資本主義模式下的國家與社會關係,以及在澳門的賭場資本主義以外,大灣區在區域融合下的政治經濟環境。
他的最新著作Macau in the Second World War, 1937-1945: Diplomacy, Politics and Society(暫譯《第二次世界大戰中的澳門,1937-1945:外交、政治與社會》剛於 7 月出版,內容聚焦於葡萄牙、內部紛爭的中國和帝國主義日本之間的複雜三角關係,以及二戰期間中國共產黨和國民黨在澳門及周邊地區進行糾纏不清的活動。
盧兆興2008 年出版Political Change in Macao(《澳門的政治轉變》)一書,曾於2009年獲澳門基金會頒發一等奬。
盧教授是香港大學專業進修學院常務副院長(文學及科學)。他自2019年起擔任澳門通訊社( Macaubusiness.com)專欄作者,每周發表一篇評論文章。(編按:灼見名家取得盧教授授權,每周譯寫該篇評論以饗讀者。)
Sonny Lo’s book awarded with top Macao Foundation prize on Humanities and Social Sciences
The volume Casino Capitalism, Society and Politics in China’s Macau authored by political scientist and Macau News Agency contributor Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo has been awarded with the top prize of the 6th “Macau Humanities and Social Sciences Research Outstanding Achievement Award”, granted by Macao Foundation.
The book was first published in 2020 and details state-society relations under the city’s casino capitalist model as well as the political economy of regional integration in the Greater Bay Area away from Macau’s casino capitalism.
Sonny Lo is a veteran political scientist and leading scholar and researcher on matters related to Hong Kong and Macau studies, cross-strait relations and regional integration, cross-border crime and the historical development of Greater China.
His latest volume – Macau in the Second World War, 1937-1945: Diplomacy, Politics and Society – has just been published, in July. It focuses on the complex triangular relations between Portugal, a divided China and an imperialistic Japan, and also on the very complex activities of the Communist Party of China and Kuomintang in and around Macau during World War II.
Sonny Lo’s 2008 book Political Change in Macao earned him Macao Foundation’s 2009 First Class Prize.
Professor Lo is deputy director (Arts and Sciences) at the Hong Kong University School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKUSPACE).
He has been a senior columnist at Macau News Agency (under Macaubusiness.com) since 2019, where he authors a weekly OP Ed.