- 過去的學生運動給了我們什麼啟示?
- 教育機構成立的目的何在?
- 它可以發揮什麼角色與功能?
- 教育終極為的是什麼?
- 就現今學生運動的啟示,教育機構應關注什麼?策略如何?
什麼是學校?學校設立的目的為何?根據維基百科的解釋,「學校是一個按照一定的程序、有一定的場所和時程,專門用來教育特定對像人民,傳授知識和價值體系的地方。從學習者的觀點,學校也是專門用來學習的地方」。英文的版本是: “A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students (or “pupils”) under the direction of teachers.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School)
不過,在眾多定義中,筆者認為MacGilchrist, Myers & Reed (2004:162) 對學校定義的解讀比較全面,乃是從一個教育專業角度作出解釋。他們定義學校為:“We see schools as an individual unit becoming the local neighbourhood link into the world of learning… our learning-led system is underpinned by the vision intelligences – ethical and spiritual – that incorporate a sense of justice, respect for young people and a desire to ensure that all young people are served by the system.” (深色部分是筆者加上去的,目的是想特別顯示教育機構之獨特角色與功能)。其意是指學校乃是一個獨特的教育組織單位,是聚焦道德與靈情培育的學習場所;它將本土地區鄰里與世界最新知識連繫,着重的是以學習為主導的體系;它為的是要服務所有在該地區學習的青少年人,並為他們播種公平、尊重的種子等。
此外,筆者亦十分喜歡McGettrick (2005: 34)對教育目的的闡釋,他認為;
Education is concerned with the formation of each person. It forms people:
- Of love, care and compassion;
- Who appreciate and will create beauty; and
- Who have the urge and the abilities to serve others.
We value people for who they are and not for what they can do. One of the key objectives of education must be to form and support people of hope and of dignity. It is through hope that we can have the confidence to transform society.
在他的觀點,教育是成就每一個人的必經過程,它與「建構」(formation)有關。它使人充滿着愛心、關懷與熱誠,懂得欣賞和願意創造美麗,和擁有一個激情,一種服務他人的原動力與能力。而且,教育着重每一個人的獨特性,其目標是造就人,使他們對人生充滿盼望與擁有尊嚴,教育為的是可轉化社會,改變未來!亦因 McGettrick 的說法,所以筆者在撰寫自己學校的願景時,便特別設下:「教育可改變社會未來,人才能創設國家命運!」的遠象宣言。
MacGilchrist,B., Myers, K. & Reed J. (2004). The intelligent school (2nd Ed.). London: Sage.
McGettrick, B. (2005). What is education for? In T. Alexander & J. Potter (2005).
Education for a Change: Transforming the way we teach our children. London: Routledge Falmer.